import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { PageContext, PAGE_QUERY_ARG } from "./page"; import { pageNames, Pages, toPageName, DEFAULT_PAGE } from "./pages"; const APP_ID = "app"; const appEl = document.getElementById(APP_ID); if (!appEl) { throw new Error(`Unable to find #${APP_ID}!`); } function getWindowSearch(): URLSearchParams { return new URLSearchParams(; } /** * Call the given handler whenever a `popstate` event * occurs. * * Return a function that wraps `window.history.pushState()`; * the given handler will be called immediately afterwards. */ function usePushState(onPushOrPopState: () => void) { useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener("popstate", onPushOrPopState); return () => { window.removeEventListener("popstate", onPushOrPopState); }; }, [onPushOrPopState]); return function pushState(href: string) { window.history.pushState(null, "", href); onPushOrPopState(); }; } const App: React.FC<{}> = (props) => { const [search, setSearch] = useState(getWindowSearch()); const updateSearchFromWindow = () => setSearch(getWindowSearch()); const currPage = toPageName(search.get(PAGE_QUERY_ARG) || "", DEFAULT_PAGE); const PageComponent = Pages[currPage]; const pushState = usePushState(updateSearchFromWindow); const ctx: PageContext = { currPage, allPages: pageNames, pushState, }; return ( ); }; ReactDOM.render(, appEl);