import React from "react"; import { Random } from "../random"; import { SvgVocabulary } from "../svg-vocabulary"; import { createSvgSymbolContext, SvgSymbolContent, SvgSymbolData, } from "../svg-symbol"; import { AttachmentPointType, PointWithNormal } from "../specs"; import { subtractPoints } from "../point"; const SYMBOL_MAP = new Map( => [, symbol]) ); function getSymbol(name: string): SvgSymbolData { const symbol = SYMBOL_MAP.get(name); if (!symbol) { throw new Error(`Unable to find the symbol "${name}"!`); } return symbol; } function getAttachmentPoint( s: SvgSymbolData, type: AttachmentPointType, idx: number = 0 ): PointWithNormal { const { specs } = s; if (!specs) { throw new Error(`Symbol ${} has no specs!`); } const points = specs[type]; if (!(points && points.length > idx)) { throw new Error( `Symbol ${} must have at least ${ idx + 1 } ${type} attachment point(s)!` ); } return points[idx]; } export const CreaturePage: React.FC<{}> = () => { const rand = new Random(1); const parts: string[] = []; const ctx = createSvgSymbolContext({ showSpecs: false }); const eye = getSymbol("eye"); const hand = getSymbol("hand"); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { parts.push(rand.choice(SvgVocabulary).name); } const handTail = getAttachmentPoint(hand, "tail"); const eyeCrown = getAttachmentPoint(eye, "crown"); const dist = subtractPoints(eyeCrown.point, handTail.point); return ( <>


TODO: Make a creature with maybe the following parts:

); };