This is an attempt by [Nina Paley][] (art) and [Atul Varma][] (code) to tinker with procedural art. Right now there is no particular goal other than to explore various ideas. The project consists of a web site with multiple pages, each of which is an experiment of some kind. It can be [viewed online][] or iterated on locally using the instructions below. ## Quick start This requires [NodeJS][]. It was started with NodeJS 14.15.4, but hopefully it should work with any recent version. After cloning the repository and entering it, run: ``` npm run watch ``` then visit http://localhost:1234. ## Adding symbols Documentation for adding and changing symbols can be found in [`assets/symbols/`](assets/symbols/ ## Running tests To run tests interactively, run: ``` npm run test:watch ``` ## Type checking To make sure that everything type-checks okay, run: ``` npm run typecheck ``` Note that you may want to install a [TypeScript plugin for your favorite editor][ts-editor]. Aside from telling you what type errors you have in real-time, editor integration also provides code autocompletion and other affordances that can greatly improve your productivity. For more details, see Atul's [Fun with TypeScript][] series of videos. [ts-editor]: [Fun with TypeScript]: ## Code style All code styling is managed by [Prettier][]. To format the code automatically, run: ``` npm run prettier:fix ``` You can alternatively install a Prettier extension for your editor; see its website for more details. [Prettier]: ## Deployment To deploy the project to GitHub Pages, run: ``` npm run deploy ``` ## Firebase support The website features optional Firebase integration. Currently, the details for the integration are hard-coded into the application code; see `lib/firebase.tsx` for details. Currently, the Firebase project that we integrate with needs to have the following configured: * Cloud Firestore should be enabled with a collection called `compositions` and the following rules: ``` rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { // The gallery is globally readable. allow read: if true; allow write: if request.auth != null &&['kind', 'serializedValue', 'owner', 'ownerName', 'title', 'createdAt']) && [].hasAny(['creature', 'mandala']) && is string && == request.auth.uid && is string && is string && is timestamp; } } } ``` * The GitHub sign-in provider must be enabled. [NodeJS]: [Nina Paley]: [Atul Varma]: [viewed online]: