MORSE - PROJECT IDEAS 0. To build/install from scratch aclocal autoconf autoheader automake --add-missing ./configure make 1. Build a simple to use C/C++ advanced Bayesian Morse decoder library Basic use case example: #include "morse.h" ... morse_init(modelparams); ... ... decode_process(double value) { char *morsechr; ... // detected signal value after AGC and filtering if ( morse_decode(value, morsechr) ) printf("%s", morsechr); ... } This can be integrated to any system, even as embedded code. FLDIGI as the first integration target. 2. Build an automated test framework and a test gallery of datasets. Input Wav or MP3 files and transcript files - resampling code from here Synthetic test datasets (known SNR, timing, speed) Real world datasets Model parameters Output SER vs. SNR graphs DONE - can be created using OpenOffice (LibreOffice Calc) - plot for different filter widths (aka -spd parameter) - run through different parameter values using automated TCL script -> automate CSV file generation -> capture best values & corresponding software versions in SQLITE3 database < date> SER vs. timing variations - need to create morse.m version with timing variability functionality - SER vs. speed variations - need to create morse.m version with speed variability functionality SER per character - Misrecognition distribution (input chr vs. output chr) - i.e. A recognized as U - confusion matrix Symbol Error Rate (SER) - print recognized symbols ". - ~ ^ w p" - use Levenshtein distance calculation as error metric - Path length vs. SNR - Estimated speed vs. actual speed distribution - examples: Test cases repository regression testing test results by software version