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Allows users to inspect the conditions under which a smart contract was deployed.
The entrypoint for this functionality is [`find_deployment_block`][moonworm.deployment.find_deployment_block].
import logging
import os
import time
from typing import Dict, Optional
from eth_typing.evm import ChecksumAddress
from web3 import Web3
CONFIG_KEY_WEB3_INTERVAL = "web3_interval"
CONFIG_KEY_WEB3_LAST_CALL = "web3_last_call"
logger = logging.getLogger("moonworm.deployment")
VERBOSE = os.environ.get("MOONWORM_VERBOSE", "f").lower() in {
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO if VERBOSE else logging.WARNING)
def was_deployed_at_block(
web3_client: Web3,
contract_address: ChecksumAddress,
block_number: int,
config: Optional[Dict[str, float]],
) -> bool:
if config is not None:
interval = config.get(CONFIG_KEY_WEB3_INTERVAL)
if interval is not None:
last_call = config.get(CONFIG_KEY_WEB3_LAST_CALL)
current_time = time.time()
if last_call is not None and current_time < last_call + interval:
time.sleep(last_call + interval - current_time + 1)
code = web3_client.eth.get_code(contract_address, block_identifier=block_number)
if config is not None:
config[CONFIG_KEY_WEB3_LAST_CALL] = time.time()
code_hex = code.hex()
was_deployed = not (code_hex == "0x" or code_hex == "0x0" or code_hex == "")
return was_deployed
def find_deployment_block(
web3_client: Web3,
contract_address: ChecksumAddress,
web3_interval: float,
) -> Optional[int]:
Performs a binary search on the blockchain to discover precisely the block when a smart contract was
Note: Assumes no selfdestruct. This means that, if the address does not currently contain code,
we will assume it never contained code and is therefore not a smart contract address.
## Inputs
1. `web3_client`: A web3 client through which we can get block and address information on the blockchain.
An instance of web3.Web3.
2. `contract_address`: Address of the smart contract for which we want the deployment block. If this
address does not represent a smart contract, this method will return None.
3. `web3_interval`: Number of seconds to wait between requests to the web3_client. Useful if your
web3 provider rate limits you.
## Outputs
Returns the block number of the block in which the smart contract was deployed. If the address does
not represent an existing smart contract, returns None.
log_prefix = f"find_deployment_block(web3_client, contract_address={contract_address}, web3_interval={web3_interval}) -- ""{log_prefix}Function invoked")
config = {CONFIG_KEY_WEB3_INTERVAL: web3_interval}
max_block = int(web3_client.eth.block_number)
min_block = 0
middle_block = int((min_block + max_block) / 2)
was_deployed_at_max_block = was_deployed_at_block(
web3_client, contract_address, max_block, config=config
if not was_deployed_at_max_block:
logger.warn(f"{log_prefix}Address is not a smart contract")
return None
was_deployed: Dict[int, bool] = {
max_block: was_deployed_at_max_block,
min_block: was_deployed_at_block(
web3_client, contract_address, min_block, config=config
middle_block: was_deployed_at_block(
web3_client, contract_address, middle_block, config=config
while max_block - min_block >= 2:
f"{log_prefix}Binary search -- max_block={max_block}, min_block={min_block}, middle_block={middle_block}"
if not was_deployed[min_block] and not was_deployed[middle_block]:
min_block = middle_block
max_block = middle_block
middle_block = int((min_block + max_block) / 2)
was_deployed[middle_block] = was_deployed_at_block(
web3_client, contract_address, middle_block, config=config
if was_deployed[min_block]:
return min_block
return max_block