import React, { Suspense, useEffect, useContext } from "react"; import { Fade, Flex, Heading, Box, chakra, Stack, Link, Center, Grid, Text, GridItem, SimpleGrid, Image as ChakraImage, VStack, HStack, Accordion, Icon, Spacer, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { HiOutlineChatAlt2 } from "react-icons/hi"; import useUser from "../src/core/hooks/useUser"; import useRouter from "../src/core/hooks/useRouter"; import { AWS_ASSETS_PATH, DEFAULT_METATAGS, BACKGROUND_COLOR, } from "../src/core/constants"; import TrustedBadge from "../src/components/TrustedBadge"; import RouteButton from "../src/components/RouteButton"; import AnalyticsContext from "../src/core/providers/AnalyticsProvider/context"; import RouterLink from "next/link"; import FAQCard from "../src/components/FAQCard"; const HEADING_PROPS = { fontWeight: "700", fontSize: ["4xl", "5xl", "5xl", "5xl", "6xl", "7xl"], }; const assets = { airdrop: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/airdrop.png`, arbitrum: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/arbitrum_logo.png`, background720: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/background720.png`, background1920: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/background720.png`, background2880: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/background720.png`, background3840: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/background720.png`, bc101: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/blockchain-101-white.png`, bulliverse: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/bullieverse_logo.png`, cgcConference: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/cgc_conference_2022_logo.jpg`, championsAscension: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/champions.png`, cointelegraph: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/cointelegraph-white.png`, craftingRecipe: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/crafting-recipe.png`, cryptoGuilds: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/crypto_guilds_logo.png`, cryptoinsiders: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/crypto-insiders-white.png`, cryptoslate: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/cryptoslate-white.png`, cryptoUnicorns: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/crypto_unicorns_logo.png`, educativesessions: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/educative-white.png`, ethereum_blockchain: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/ethereum_blockchain_logo.png`, evmos: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/evmos_logo.png`, forte: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/forte_logo.png`, game7io: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/game7io_logo.png`, gnosis: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/gnosis_chain_logo.png`, laguna: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/laguna_logo.svg`, meetup: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/meetup-white.png`, minigame: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/minigame.png`, openLootbox: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/open-lootbox.png`, optimism: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/optimism_logo.png`, orangedao: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/featured_by/orangedao_logo.png`, polygon: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/polygon_blockchain_logo.png`, }; const Homepage = () => { const router = useRouter(); const { isInit } = useUser(); const { buttonReport } = useContext(AnalyticsContext); useEffect(() => { if ( router.nextRouter.asPath !== "/" && router.nextRouter.asPath.slice(0, 2) !== "/?" && router.nextRouter.asPath.slice(0, 2) !== "/#" && router.nextRouter.asPath.slice(0, 11) !== "/index.html" ) { console.warn("redirect attempt.."); if (typeof window !== "undefined") { console.warn("window present:", window.location.pathname); router.replace(router.nextRouter.asPath, router.nextRouter.asPath, { shallow: false, }); } } }, [isInit, router]); const lightOrangeColor = "#F56646"; const cardBackgroundColor = "#353535"; const Feature = ({ title, altText, image, ...props }) => { return ( {title} ); }; return ( {DEFAULT_METATAGS.title} {DEFAULT_METATAGS.description}
{ buttonReport( "Boost", "front-and-center", "landing" ); }} href={"/contact"} > Get Started
{ buttonReport( "Discord", "front-and-center", "landing" ); }} href={"/discordleed"} isExternal > Join our Discord
>$4b transaction volume
and growing
>44k active users in game economies
built with our engine
Trusted by visionaries in the industry Supported blockchains Upcoming Integrations Features
Lootboxes, crafting recipes, deck building, you name it! With Moonstream Engine you can deploy on-chain mechanics with one click. Read our Use Cases or explore the features to know more.
{ buttonReport("Lootboxes", "features", "landing"); }} /> { buttonReport("Crafting Recipes", "features", "landing"); }} /> { buttonReport("Minigames", "features", "landing"); }} /> { buttonReport("Airdrops", "features", "landing"); }} />
{ buttonReport("Features", "features", "landing"); }} href={"/features"} > Learn more about our features
{ buttonReport("Use Cases", "features", "landing"); }} href={ "" } isExternal > Explore the use cases
Our Workflow Step 1 So you decided to build a healthy economy on the blockchain. You are on the right path, traveler! Step 2 Sign up to get whitelisted. We'll reach out to you within 3 days to schedule a call or make a partnership proposal. Step 3 During onboarding pick game mechanics that you'd like to deploy. Moonstream Engine provides you with back-end tools to put them on the blockchain.
You're at the end of your blockchain development journey now, traveler. Time to watch your game economy grow!
Have something to discuss before signing up?{" "} { buttonReport("Discord", "workflow", "landing"); }} isExternal > Join our Discord{" "} to get in touch with the team (@zomglings).
FAQ {" "} Moonstream is a hassle-free way to ultimate game design and superb user experience. You’ll be able to add on-chain mechanics from our web app into your project within a click.

Imagine you had a menu of ready-to-use game functionalities... That’s what Moonstream Engine is about. } /> {" "} Use Moonstream to add minigames, in-game items, airdrops, lootboxes, loyalty programs, leaderboards, crafting, and some other mechanics into your game. If you want to add something that’s not on the list - feel free to discuss it with the team.

Once you contact us to discuss your project, we’ll provide you with options. } /> {" "} Moonstream removes the complexity of smart contact development. It will save you weeks of time. Moonstream Engine is your backend.

You can find code examples below on this page. Integration is easy even if you have no experience with web3. } /> {" "} Everything we build is open source and free to self-host or modify. { buttonReport("Moonstream Github", "faq", "landing"); }} textColor="white" isExternal > {" "} Here's{" "} our GitHub. We’ll be happy to help you get set up.

We also have a managed option, where we manage the smart contracts and the APIs. This is free for indie projects. For larger projects, please reach out to @zomglings on Discord for a quote. } /> You can use{" "} { buttonReport("Moonworm Github", "faq", "landing"); }} isExternal > Moonworm , our free open source tool, to build datasets of on-chain data related to market activity.

We also have a dataset with on-chain activity from the Ethereum NFT market (April 1 to September 25, 2021){" "} { buttonReport("Dataset", "faq", "landing"); }} isExternal > here . And{" "} { buttonReport("Dataset Report", "faq", "landing"); }} isExternal > here {" "} is our full report on it.

We’re working on V2 of the dataset above. You can collaborate with us and become a co-author, just @moonstream on Discord to connect with the team.{" "} { buttonReport("Sample Dataset", "faq", "landing"); }} isExternal > Here {" "} you can find sample V2 datasets. } /> One of the tools we built is the Analytics platform. With it game designers, developers, data scientists and crypto enthusiasts can create dashboards to track on-chain activity and gain insights into web3 economy and its health.

{ buttonReport("Tutorial", "faq", "landing"); }} isExternal > Here's {" "} a tutorial on how to use the tool.

You can get access to our analytics platform by signing up for a Moonstream account on our website. It’s free. } /> The next big thing coming out soon is for players.{" "} { buttonReport("Discord", "faq", "landing"); }} isExternal > Join us on Discord{" "} for early access. } />
Featured by{" "}
Sign up to grow your economy {`Answer 5 questions about your project to get whitelisted.`} { buttonReport("Boost", "page-bottom", "landing"); }} href={"/contact"} > Boost my game economy {`Learn more about crypto, NFT and DAOs, find links to educational resources, discuss gaming projects, and laugh at memes.`} { buttonReport("Discord", "page-bottom", "landing"); }} href={"/discordleed"} isExternal > Join our Discord
); }; export async function getStaticProps() { const assetPreload = Object.keys(assets).map((key) => { return { rel: "preload", href: assets[key], as: "image", }; }); const preconnects = [{ rel: "preconnect", href: "" }]; const preloads = assetPreload.concat(preconnects); return { props: { metaTags: DEFAULT_METATAGS, preloads }, }; } export default Homepage;