# Node Balancer application ## Installation - Prepare environment variables, according to `sample.env`. - Build application ```bash go build -o nodebalancer . ``` ## Work with nodebalancer **IMPORTANT** Do not use flag `-debug` in production. ### add-access Add new access for user: ```bash nodebalancer add-access \ --user-id "" \ --access-id "" \ --name "Access name" \ --description "Description of access" \ --extended-methods false \ --blockchain--access true ``` ### delete-access Delete user access: ```bash nodebalancer delete-access \ --user-id "" \ --access-id "" ``` If `access-id` not specified, all user accesses will be deleted. ### users ```bash nodebalancer users | jq . ``` This command will return a list of bugout resources of registered users to access node balancer with their `crawlers/app/project` (in our project we will call it `crawlers`). ```json [ { "user_id": "", "access_id": "", "name": "", "description": "", "blockchain_access": true, "extended_methods": false } ] ``` `access_id` - token which allows access to nodebalancer, could be specified in both ways: - as a header `x-moonstream-access-id` with value `access_id` - as query parameter `access_id=access_id` `blockchain_access` - boolean which allows you or not to have access to blockchain node, otherwise you will be redirected to database `extended_methods` - boolean which allows you to call not whitelisted method to blockchain node, by default for new user this is equal to `false` ### server ```bash nodebalancer server -host -port 8544 -healthcheck ``` Flag `--healthcheck` will execute background process to ping-pong available nodes to keep their status and current block number. Flag `--debug` will extend output of each request to server and healthchecks summary. ## Work with node Common request to fetch block number ```bash curl --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["latest", false], "id":1 }' ``` For Web3 providers `access_id` and `data_source` could be specified in headers ```bash --header 'x-node-balancer-data-source: ' --header 'x-node-balancer-access-id: ' ``` ## Tests ### Running all tests ```bash /usr/local/go/bin/go test -run ^*$ github.com/bugout-dev/moonstream/nodes/node_balancer/cmd/nodebalancer -v -count=1 ``` ### Running specified test ```bash /usr/local/go/bin/go test -run ^TestCleanInactiveClientNodes$ github.com/bugout-dev/moonstream/nodes/node_balancer/cmd/nodebalancer -v -count=1 ``` ## Migrations To run migration: ```bash python migrations/migrations.py run --key 20230522 \ --token-current-owner "$NB_CONTROLLER_TOKEN" \ --token-new-owner "$MOONSTREAM_ADMIN_OR_OTHER_CONTROLLER" \ --new-application-id "$MOONSTREAM_APPLICATION_ID" ```