import getpass import os from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from eth_abi import decode_single, encode_single from eth_account.account import Account # type: ignore from eth_typing.evm import ChecksumAddress from eth_utils import function_signature_to_4byte_selector from hexbytes.main import HexBytes from web3 import Web3 from web3._utils.abi import normalize_event_input_types from web3.contract import ContractFunction from web3.providers.ipc import IPCProvider from web3.providers.rpc import HTTPProvider from web3.types import ABI, Nonce, TxParams, TxReceipt, Wei class ContractConstructor: def __init__(self, *args: Any): self.args = args def build_transaction( web3: Web3, builder: Union[ContractFunction, Any], sender: ChecksumAddress, ) -> Union[TxParams, Any]: """ Builds transaction json with the given arguments. It is not submitting transaction Arguments: - web3: Web3 client - builder: ContractFunction or other class that has method buildTransaction(TxParams) - sender: `from` value of transaction, address which is sending this transaction - maxFeePerGas: Optional, max priority fee for dynamic fee transactions in Wei - maxPriorityFeePerGas: Optional the part of the fee that goes to the miner """ transaction = builder.buildTransaction( { "from": sender, "nonce": get_nonce(web3, sender), } ) return transaction def get_nonce(web3: Web3, address: ChecksumAddress) -> Nonce: """ Returns Nonce: number of transactions for given address """ nonce = web3.eth.get_transaction_count(address) return nonce def submit_transaction( web3: Web3, transaction: Union[TxParams, Any], signer_private_key: str ) -> HexBytes: """ Signs and submits json transaction to blockchain from the name of signer """ signed_transaction = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction( transaction, private_key=signer_private_key ) return submit_signed_raw_transaction(web3, signed_transaction.rawTransaction) def submit_signed_raw_transaction( web3: Web3, signed_raw_transaction: HexBytes ) -> HexBytes: """ Submits already signed raw transaction. """ transaction_hash = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_raw_transaction) return transaction_hash def wait_for_transaction_receipt(web3: Web3, transaction_hash: HexBytes): return web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash) def deploy_contract( web3: Web3, contract_bytecode: str, contract_abi: List[Dict[str, Any]], deployer: ChecksumAddress, deployer_private_key: str, constructor_arguments: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[HexBytes, ChecksumAddress]: """ Deploys smart contract to blockchain Arguments: - web3: web3 client - contract_bytecode: Compiled smart contract bytecode - contract_abi: Json abi of contract. Must include `constructor` function - deployer: Address which is deploying contract. Deployer will pay transaction fee - deployer_private_key: Private key of deployer. Needed for signing and submitting transaction - constructor_arguments: arguments that are passed to `constructor` function of the smart contract """ contract = web3.eth.contract(abi=contract_abi, bytecode=contract_bytecode) if constructor_arguments is None: transaction = build_transaction(web3, contract.constructor(), deployer) else: transaction = build_transaction( web3, contract.constructor(*constructor_arguments), deployer ) transaction_hash = submit_transaction(web3, transaction, deployer_private_key) transaction_receipt = wait_for_transaction_receipt(web3, transaction_hash) contract_address = transaction_receipt.contractAddress return transaction_hash, web3.toChecksumAddress(contract_address) def deploy_contract_from_constructor_function( web3: Web3, contract_bytecode: str, contract_abi: List[Dict[str, Any]], deployer: ChecksumAddress, deployer_private_key: str, constructor: ContractFunction, ) -> Tuple[HexBytes, ChecksumAddress]: """ Deploys smart contract to blockchain from constructor ContractFunction Arguments: - web3: web3 client - contract_bytecode: Compiled smart contract bytecode - contract_abi: Json abi of contract. Must include `constructor` function - deployer: Address which is deploying contract. Deployer will pay transaction fee - deployer_private_key: Private key of deployer. Needed for signing and submitting transaction - constructor:`constructor` function of the smart contract """ contract = web3.eth.contract(abi=contract_abi, bytecode=contract_bytecode) transaction = build_transaction( web3, contract.constructor(*constructor.args), deployer ) transaction_hash = submit_transaction(web3, transaction, deployer_private_key) transaction_receipt = wait_for_transaction_receipt(web3, transaction_hash) contract_address = transaction_receipt.contractAddress return transaction_hash, web3.toChecksumAddress(contract_address) def decode_transaction_input(web3: Web3, transaction_input: str, abi: Dict[str, Any]): contract = web3.eth.contract(abi=abi) return contract.decode_function_input(transaction_input) def read_keys_from_cli() -> Tuple[ChecksumAddress, str]: private_key = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter private key of your address:") account = Account.from_key(private_key) return (Web3.toChecksumAddress(account.address), private_key) def read_keys_from_env() -> Tuple[ChecksumAddress, str]: private_key = os.environ.get("MOONWORM_ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_KEY") if private_key is None: raise ValueError( "MOONWORM_ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_KEY env variable is not set" ) try: account = Account.from_key(private_key) return (Web3.toChecksumAddress(account.address), private_key) except: raise ValueError( "Failed to initiate account from MOONWORM_ETHEREUM_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_KEY" ) def cast_to_python_type(evm_type: str) -> Callable: if evm_type.startswith(("uint", "int")): return int elif evm_type.startswith("bytes"): return bytes elif evm_type == "string": return str elif evm_type == "address": return Web3.toChecksumAddress elif evm_type == "bool": return bool else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert to python type {evm_type}") class FunctionInput: def __init__(self, name: str, value: Any, solidity_type: str): = name self.value = value self.solidity_type = solidity_type class FunctionSignature: def __init__(self, function: ContractFunction): = function.abi["name"] self.inputs = [ {"name": arg["name"], "type": arg["type"]} for arg in normalize_event_input_types(function.abi.get("inputs", [])) ] self.input_types_signature = "({})".format( ",".join([inp["type"] for inp in self.inputs]) ) self.output_types_signature = "({})".format( ",".join( [ arg["type"] for arg in normalize_event_input_types( function.abi.get("outputs", []) ) ] ) ) self.signature = "{}{}".format(, self.input_types_signature) self.fourbyte = function_signature_to_4byte_selector(self.signature) def encode_data(self, args=None) -> bytes: return ( self.fourbyte + encode_single(self.input_types_signature, args) if args else self.fourbyte ) def decode_data(self, output): return decode_single(self.output_types_signature, output)