import React, { useEffect, useState, useLayoutEffect, useContext } from "react"; import { Heading, Text, Flex, Link, Image as ChakraImage, Stack, chakra, useMediaQuery, UnorderedList, ListItem, Box, SimpleGrid, Center, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { AWS_ASSETS_PATH } from "../../src/core/constants"; import UIContext from "../../src/core/providers/UIProvider/context"; import TeamCard from "../../src/components/TeamCard"; import { getLayout, getLayoutProps } from "../../src/layouts/WideInfoPage"; const TEAM_PATH = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/team`; const assets = { background720: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-720x405.png`, background1920: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-720x405.png`, background2880: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-720x405.png`, background3840: `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-720x405.png`, rocket: `${TEAM_PATH}/rocket.png`, ant: `${TEAM_PATH}/ant.png`, bee: `${TEAM_PATH}/bee.png`, centipede: `${TEAM_PATH}/centipede.png`, firefly: `${TEAM_PATH}/firefly.png`, ladybug: `${TEAM_PATH}/ladybug.png`, locust: `${TEAM_PATH}/locust.png`, mantis: `${TEAM_PATH}/mantis.png`, scarab: `${TEAM_PATH}/scarab.png`, spider: `${TEAM_PATH}/carpenter-spider.png`, weta: `${TEAM_PATH}/weta.png`, }; const Team = () => { const ui = useContext(UIContext); const [background, setBackground] = useState("background720"); const [backgroundLoaded720, setBackgroundLoaded720] = useState(false); const [backgroundLoaded1920, setBackgroundLoaded1920] = useState(false); const [backgroundLoaded2880, setBackgroundLoaded2880] = useState(false); const [backgroundLoaded3840, setBackgroundLoaded3840] = useState(false); const [ isLargerThan720px, isLargerThan1920px, isLargerThan2880px, isLargerThan3840px, ] = useMediaQuery([ "(min-width: 720px)", "(min-width: 1920px)", "(min-width: 2880px)", "(min-width: 3840px)", ]); useEffect(() => { assets["background720"] = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-720x405.png`; assets[ "background1920" ] = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-1920x1080.png`; assets[ "background2880" ] = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-2880x1620.png`; assets[ "background3840" ] = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-3840x2160.png`; }, []); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (backgroundLoaded3840) { setBackground("background3840"); } else if (backgroundLoaded2880) { setBackground("background2880"); } else if (backgroundLoaded1920) { setBackground("background1920"); } else { setBackground("background720"); } }, [ isLargerThan720px, isLargerThan1920px, isLargerThan2880px, isLargerThan3840px, backgroundLoaded720, backgroundLoaded1920, backgroundLoaded2880, backgroundLoaded3840, ]); useLayoutEffect(() => { const imageLoader720 = new Image(); imageLoader720.src = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-720x405.png`; imageLoader720.onload = () => { setBackgroundLoaded720(true); }; }, []); useLayoutEffect(() => { const imageLoader1920 = new Image(); imageLoader1920.src = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-1920x1080.png`; imageLoader1920.onload = () => { setBackgroundLoaded1920(true); }; }, []); useLayoutEffect(() => { const imageLoader2880 = new Image(); imageLoader2880.src = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-2880x1620.png`; imageLoader2880.onload = () => { setBackgroundLoaded2880(true); }; }, []); useLayoutEffect(() => { const imageLoader3840 = new Image(); imageLoader3840.src = `${AWS_ASSETS_PATH}/blog-background-3840x2160.png`; imageLoader3840.onload = () => { setBackgroundLoaded3840(true); }; }, []); const margin = ui.isMobileView ? "3%" : "22%"; return ( Meet The Moonstream Team We are a distributed team of nerds with very strong expertise in math, software engineering, machine learning, and cryptography. Members of our team worked at Google, at OpenAI and other great companies. We believe that the crypto world opens opportunities for financial inclusion. Meaning that people from all walks of life and financial situations can have a new source of income. We are passionate about developing technology that helps people become active participants in this field and take advantage of this opportunity. We’re striving to debunk harmful stereotypes and make the crypto field more inclusive.
Values that we share within our team: Be bold Be curious Don’t be an ass And always be kind to each other We are always looking to hire new talents, regardless of their backgrounds. If you are interested in working with us, send us a message at{" "} Our engineering team Our marketing and growth team
); }; Team.getLayout = getLayout; export async function getStaticProps() { const assetPreload = Object.keys(assets).map((key) => { return { rel: "preload", href: assets[key], as: "image", }; }); const preconnects = [{ rel: "preconnect", href: "" }]; const preloads = assetPreload.concat(preconnects); const metaTags = { title: "Moonstream: Team page", description: "Moonstream team members", keywords: "blockchain, crypto, data, trading, smart contracts, ethereum, solana, transactions, defi, finance, decentralized, analytics, product, whitepapers", url: "", }; const layoutProps = getLayoutProps(); layoutProps.props.metaTags = { ...layoutProps.props.metaTags, ...metaTags }; layoutProps.props = { ...layoutProps.props, ...preloads }; return { ...layoutProps }; } export default Team;