""" Maps provider interface over all available providers. Available providers are exposed through the `event_providers` dictionary. Exposes all the standard event provider methods: - get_events - latest_events - next_event - previous_event In addition to their standard arguments, adds the following arguments to each of these methods: - `max_threads` - Since the mapper retrieves events from each providers in the background, this allows the caller to specify how many threads they want to make available to the background executor. This can be set to None, in which case it uses the Python default behaviour for the max_workers=None to concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor. (Default: None) - result_timeout - A float representing the number of seconds to wait for the background workers to get events from the individual providers. (Default: 30.0) - raise_on_error - Set this to True to raise an error if any of the individual event providers experiences an error fulfilling its method. If set to False, ignores event providers which failed and still tries to return data to the caller. (Default: False) - sort_events - Set this to True to sort the events that come in from different providers. Set it to False if the order does not matter and you would rather emphasize speed. Only available for method which involve lists of events. (Default: True) """ import logging from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from bugout.app import Bugout from bugout.data import BugoutResource from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from .. import data from ..stream_queries import StreamQuery from . import bugout, moonworm_provider, transactions logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) class ReceivingEventsException(Exception): """ Raised when error occurs during receiving events from provider. """ event_providers: Dict[str, Any] = { moonworm_provider.EthereumMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.EthereumMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.PolygonMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.PolygonMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.MumbaiMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.MumbaiMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.XDaiMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.XDaiMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.ZkSyncEraTestnetMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.ZkSyncEraTestnetMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.ZkSyncEraMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.ZkSyncEraMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.ArbitrumNovaMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.ArbitrumNovaMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.ArbitrumSepoliaMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.ArbitrumSepoliaMoonwormProvider, moonworm_provider.XaiMoonwormProvider.event_type: moonworm_provider.XaiMoonwormProvider, transactions.EthereumTransactions.event_type: transactions.EthereumTransactions, transactions.PolygonTransactions.event_type: transactions.PolygonTransactions, transactions.MumbaiTransactions.event_type: transactions.MumbaiTransactions, transactions.XDaiTransactions.event_type: transactions.XDaiTransactions, transactions.ZkSyncEraTestnetTransactions.event_type: transactions.ZkSyncEraTestnetTransactions, transactions.ZkSyncEraTransactions.event_type: transactions.ZkSyncEraTransactions, transactions.ArbitrumNovaTransactions.event_type: transactions.ArbitrumNovaTransactions, transactions.ArbitrumSepoliaTransactions.event_type: transactions.ArbitrumSepoliaTransactions, transactions.XaiTransactions.event_type: transactions.XaiTransactions, bugout.polygon_whalewatch_provider.event_type: bugout.polygon_whalewatch_provider, bugout.ethereum_txpool_provider.event_type: bugout.ethereum_txpool_provider, bugout.ethereum_whalewatch_provider.event_type: bugout.ethereum_whalewatch_provider, bugout.ethereum_txpool_provider.event_type: bugout.ethereum_txpool_provider, } def get_events( db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], max_threads: Optional[int] = None, result_timeout: float = 30.0, raise_on_error: bool = False, sort_events: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[data.StreamBoundary, List[data.Event]]: """ Gets events from all providers and sends them back with the stream boundary. """ futures: Dict[str, Future] = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_threads, thread_name_prefix="event_providers_" ) as executor: # Filter our not queried event_types event_providers_filtered = { key: value for (key, value) in event_providers.items() if value.event_type in query.subscription_types } for provider_name, provider in event_providers_filtered.items(): futures[provider_name] = executor.submit( provider.get_events, db_session, bugout_client, data_journal_id, data_access_token, stream_boundary, query, user_subscriptions, ) results: Dict[str, Tuple[data.StreamBoundary, List[data.Event]]] = {} for provider_name, future in futures.items(): try: result = future.result(timeout=result_timeout) if result is not None: results[provider_name] = result except Exception as e: if not raise_on_error: logger.warn( f"Error receiving events from provider: {provider_name}:\n{repr(e)}" ) else: raise ReceivingEventsException(e) stream_boundary = [boundary for boundary, _ in results.values()][0] events = [event for _, event_list in results.values() for event in event_list] if sort_events: # If stream_boundary time was reversed, so do not reverse by timestamp, # it is already in correct oreder events.sort( key=lambda event: event.event_timestamp, reverse=not stream_boundary.reversed_time, ) return (stream_boundary, events) def latest_events( db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, query: StreamQuery, num_events: int, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], max_threads: Optional[int] = None, result_timeout: float = 30.0, raise_on_error: bool = False, sort_events: bool = True, ) -> List[data.Event]: """ Gets num_events most recent events from all providers, compiles them into a single list, and returns them to the caller. NOTE: Unlike simple event providers, the interpretation of num_events here is that we return num_event events per individual event provider! """ futures: Dict[str, Future] = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_threads, thread_name_prefix="event_providers_" ) as executor: # Filter our not queried event_types event_providers_filtered = { key: value for (key, value) in event_providers.items() if value.event_type in query.subscription_types } for provider_name, provider in event_providers_filtered.items(): futures[provider_name] = executor.submit( provider.latest_events, db_session, bugout_client, data_journal_id, data_access_token, query, num_events, user_subscriptions, ) results: Dict[str, List[data.Event]] = {} for provider_name, future in futures.items(): try: result = future.result(timeout=result_timeout) if result is not None: results[provider_name] = result except Exception as e: if not raise_on_error: logger.warn( f"Error receiving events from provider: {provider_name}:\n{repr(e)}" ) else: raise ReceivingEventsException(e) events = [event for event_list in results.values() for event in event_list] if sort_events: events.sort(key=lambda event: event.event_timestamp, reverse=True) return events def next_event( db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], max_threads: Optional[int] = None, result_timeout: float = 30.0, raise_on_error: bool = False, ) -> Optional[data.Event]: """ Get earliest event after stream boundary across all available providers. """ futures: Dict[str, Future] = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_threads, thread_name_prefix="event_providers_" ) as executor: # Filter our not queried event_types event_providers_filtered = { key: value for (key, value) in event_providers.items() if value.event_type in query.subscription_types } for provider_name, provider in event_providers_filtered.items(): futures[provider_name] = executor.submit( provider.next_event, db_session, bugout_client, data_journal_id, data_access_token, stream_boundary, query, user_subscriptions, ) results: Dict[str, data.Event] = {} for provider_name, future in futures.items(): try: result = future.result(timeout=result_timeout) if result is not None: results[provider_name] = result except Exception as e: if not raise_on_error: logger.warn( f"Error receiving events from provider: {provider_name}:\n{repr(e)}" ) else: raise ReceivingEventsException(e) event: Optional[data.Event] = None for candidate in results.values(): if event is None: event = candidate elif event.event_timestamp > candidate.event_timestamp: event = candidate return event def previous_event( db_session: Session, bugout_client: Bugout, data_journal_id: str, data_access_token: str, stream_boundary: data.StreamBoundary, query: StreamQuery, user_subscriptions: Dict[str, List[BugoutResource]], max_threads: Optional[int] = None, result_timeout: float = 30.0, raise_on_error: bool = False, ) -> Optional[data.Event]: """ Get latest event before stream boundary across all available providers. """ futures: Dict[str, Future] = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_threads, thread_name_prefix="event_providers_" ) as executor: # Filter our not queried event_types event_providers_filtered = { key: value for (key, value) in event_providers.items() if value.event_type in query.subscription_types } for provider_name, provider in event_providers_filtered.items(): futures[provider_name] = executor.submit( provider.previous_event, db_session, bugout_client, data_journal_id, data_access_token, stream_boundary, query, user_subscriptions, ) results: Dict[str, data.Event] = {} for provider_name, future in futures.items(): try: result = future.result(timeout=result_timeout) if result is not None: results[provider_name] = result except Exception as e: if not raise_on_error: logger.warn( f"Error receiving events from provider: {provider_name}:\n{repr(e)}" ) else: raise ReceivingEventsException(e) event: Optional[data.Event] = None for candidate in results.values(): if event is None: event = candidate elif event.event_timestamp < candidate.event_timestamp: event = candidate return event