Ishkhan is engineer

Anton Mushnin 2023-03-01 13:27:57 +03:00
rodzic f497b90da2
commit 8d9aab5013
1 zmienionych plików z 9 dodań i 9 usunięć

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@ -164,6 +164,15 @@ const Team = () => {
Enjoys soduku and its variants. Follows artificial intelligence scene for
Chess and Go. Experiments with grilling recipes.`}
name={"Ishkhan Balgudanian"}
content={`Lighter. Designer to the bone. Constantly
working on self-development. Sometimes plays guitar
and ukulele. Loves meat, went from well done to blue
rare in a few months.`}
<Stack mb={12} w="100%">
@ -201,15 +210,6 @@ const Team = () => {
new to master. Enjoys being close to the sea. Loves yoga,
dogs and dancing. Can walk 30km when under stress.`}
name={"Ishkhan Balgudanian"}
content={`Lighter. Designer to the bone. Constantly
working on self-development. Sometimes plays guitar
and ukulele. Loves meat, went from well done to blue
rare in a few months.`}