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2021-07-27 08:05:10 +00:00
# moonstream db
### Setting up moonstreamdb
Copy `sample.env` to a new file and set the environment variables to appropriate values. This new file
should be sourced every time you want to access the database with the `moonstreamdb` application or any
To be able to run migrations, copy [`alembic.sample.ini`](./alembic.sample.ini) to a separate file
(e.g. `./secrets/`) and modify the `sqlalchemy.url` setting in the new file to point
at your database.
Make sure your database is at the latest alembic migration:
alembic -c ./secrets/ upgrade head
### Adding a new table to database
Add SQLAlchemy model in [`moonstreamdb/`](./moonstreamdb/
Import new model and add tablename to whitelist in [`alembic/`](.alembic/
Create a migration:
alembic -c <alembic config file> revision -m "<revision message>" --autogenerate
Always check the autogenerated file to make sure that it isn't performing any actions that you don't want it to.
A good policy is to delete any operations that don't touch the tables that you created.
Then run the migration:
alembic -c <alembic config file> upgrade head