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# Borgmatic Container
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### Description
2022-02-10 19:02:07 +00:00
Multiarch fork of [b3vis/borgmatic]( with latest versions so you can run Docker commands.
There are also tags with Docker-CLI installed. Useful for container stop/start scripts.
2021-12-22 01:03:16 +00:00
### Dockerhub
### Readme
A little container based on b3vis's work to automate my [Borgbackups]( using the excellent [Borgmatic](
It uses cron to run the backups at a time you can configure in `data/borgmatic.d/crontab.txt`.
# Tags
| Tag | Description |
| :----: | --- |
| Latest | Latest version of Borgmatic|
| dockercli | Borgmatic with Docker-CLI baked in. |
| liveinstall | Borgmatic, with Docker-CLI downloaded and installed on container startup. |
| 1.5.xx | Specific versions of Borgmatic |
### Usage
Please look at this [guide]( to help you run this container.
To set your backup timing and configuration, you will need to create [crontab.txt]( and your borgmatic [config.yaml]( and mount these files into the `/etc/borgmatic.d/` directory. When the container starts it creates the crontab from `crontab.txt` and starts crond. By cloning this repo in `/opt/docker/`, you will have a working setup to get started.
If using remote repositories mount your .ssh to /root/.ssh within the container.
### Example run command
docker run \
--detach --name borgmatic \
-v /home:/mnt/source:ro \
-v /opt/docker/docker-borgmatic/data/repository:/mnt/borg-repository \
-v /opt/docker/docker-borgmatic/data/borgmatic.d:/etc/borgmatic.d/ \
-v /opt/docker/docker-borgmatic/data/.config/borg:/root/.config/borg \
-v /opt/docker/docker-borgmatic/data/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
-v /opt/docker/docker-borgmatic/data/.cache/borg:/root/.cache/borg \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
While the parameters above are sufficient for regular backups, following additional privileges will be needed to mount an archive as FUSE filesystem:
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
--device /dev/fuse \
--security-opt label:disable \
--security-opt apparmor:unconfined
Depending on your security system, `--security-opt` parameters may not be necessary. `label:disable` is needed for *SELinux*, while `apparmor:unconfined` is needed for *AppArmor*.
To init the repo with encryption, run:
docker exec borgmatic \
sh -c "borgmatic --init --encryption repokey-blake2"
### Layout
#### /mnt/source
Your data you wish to backup. For *some* safety you may want to mount read-only. Borgmatic is running as root so all files can be backed up.
#### /mnt/borg-repository
Mount your borg backup repository here.
#### /etc/borgmatic.d
Where you need to create crontab.txt and your borgmatic config.yml
- To generate an example borgmatic configuration, run:
docker exec borgmatic \
sh -c "cd && generate-borgmatic-config -d /etc/borgmatic.d/config.yaml"
- crontab.txt example: In this file set the time you wish for your backups to take place default is 1am every day. In here you can add any other tasks you want ran
0 1 * * * PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/bin/borgmatic --stats -v 0 2>&1
#### /root/.borgmatic
**Note** this is now redundant and has been deprecated, please remove this from your configs
#### /root/.config/borg
Here the borg config and keys for keyfile encryption modes are stored. Make sure to backup your keyfiles! Also needed when encryption is set to none.
#### /root/.ssh
Mount either your own .ssh here or create a new one with ssh keys in for your remote repo locations.
#### /root/.cache/borg
A non-volatile place to store the borg chunk cache.
### Environment
- Time zone, e.g. `TZ="Europe/Berlin"'`.
- SSH parameters, e.g. `BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -p 50221"`
- BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -p 50221"
- Repository passphrase, e.g. `BORG_PASSPHRASE="DonNotMissToChangeYourPassphrase"`
### Docker Compose
- Prepare your configuration
1. `cp .env.template .env`
2. Set your environment and adapt volumes as needed
- To start the container for backup: `docker-compose up -d`
- For backup restore:
1. Stop the backup container: `docker-compose down`
2. Run an interactive shell: `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.restore.yml run borgmatic`
3. Fuse-mount the backup: `borg mount /mnt/borg-repository <mount_point>`
4. Restore your files
5. Finally unmount and exit: `borg umount <mount_point> && exit`.
- In case Borg fails to create/acquire a lock: `borg break-lock /mnt/repository`