# flash_spi.py MicroPython driver for SPI NOR flash devices. # Released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE. # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Peter Hinch import time from micropython import const from bdevice import FlashDevice # Supported instruction set: # 3 and 4 byte address commands _READ = const(0) _PP = const(1) _SE = const(2) _CMDS3BA = b'\x03\x02\x20' _CMDS4BA = b'\x13\x12\x21' # No address _WREN = const(6) # Write enable _RDSR1 = const(5) # Read status register 1 _RDID = const(0x9f) # Read manufacturer ID _CE = const(0xc7) # Chip erase (takes minutes) _SEC_SIZE = const(4096) # Flash sector size 0x1000 # Logical Flash device comprising one or more physical chips sharing an SPI bus. class FLASH(FlashDevice): def __init__(self, spi, cspins, size=None, verbose=True, sec_size=_SEC_SIZE, block_size=9): self._spi = spi self._cspins = cspins self._ccs = None # Chip select Pin object for current chip self._bufp = bytearray(6) # instruction + 4 byte address + 1 byte value self._mvp = memoryview(self._bufp) # cost-free slicing self._page_size = 256 # Write uses 256 byte pages. # Defensive code: application should have done the following. # Pyboard D 3V3 output may just have been switched on. for cs in cspins: # Deselect all chips cs(1) time.sleep_ms(1) # Meet Tpu 300μs size = self.scan(verbose, size) # KiB super().__init__(block_size, len(cspins), size * 1024, sec_size) # Select the correct command set if size <= 4096: self._cmds = _CMDS3BA self._cmdlen = 4 else: self._cmds = _CMDS4BA self._cmdlen = 5 self.initialise() # Initially cache sector 0 # **** API SPECIAL METHODS **** # Scan: return chip size in KiB as read from ID. def scan(self, verbose, size): mvp = self._mvp for n, cs in enumerate(self._cspins): mvp[:] = b'\0\0\0\0\0\0' mvp[0] = _RDID cs(0) self._spi.write_readinto(mvp[:4], mvp[:4]) cs(1) scansize = 1 << (mvp[3] - 10) if size is None: size = scansize if size != scansize: raise ValueError('Flash size mismatch: expected {}KiB, found {}KiB'.format(size, scansize)) if verbose: s = '{} chips detected. Total flash size {}MiB.' n += 1 print(s.format(n, (n * size) // 1024)) return size # Chip erase. Can take minutes. def erase(self): mvp = self._mvp for cs in self._cspins: # For each chip mvp[0] = _WREN cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:1]) # Enable write cs(1) mvp[0] = _CE cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:1]) # Start erase cs(1) self._wait_rdy() # Wait for erase to complete # **** INTERFACE FOR BASE CLASS **** # Write cache to a sector starting at byte address addr def flush(self, cache, addr): # cache is memoryview into buffer self._sector_erase(addr) mvp = self._mvp nbytes = self.sec_size ps = self._page_size start = 0 # Current offset into cache buffer while nbytes > 0: # write one page at a time self._getaddr(addr, 1) cs = self._ccs # Current chip select from _getaddr mvp[0] = _WREN cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:1]) # Enable write cs(1) mvp[0] = self._cmds[_PP] cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:self._cmdlen]) # Start write self._spi.write(cache[start : start + ps]) cs(1) self._wait_rdy() # Wait for write to complete nbytes -= ps start += ps addr += ps # Read from chip into a memoryview. Address range guaranteed not to be cached. def rdchip(self, addr, mvb): nbytes = len(mvb) mvp = self._mvp start = 0 # Offset into buf. while nbytes > 0: npage = self._getaddr(addr, nbytes) # No. of bytes in current chip cs = self._ccs mvp[0] = self._cmds[_READ] cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:self._cmdlen]) self._spi.readinto(mvb[start : start + npage]) cs(1) nbytes -= npage start += npage addr += npage # Read or write multiple bytes at an arbitrary address. # **** Also part of API **** def readwrite(self, addr, buf, read): mvb = memoryview(buf) self.read(addr, mvb) if read else self.write(addr, mvb) return buf # **** INTERNAL METHODS **** def _wait_rdy(self): # After a write, wait for device to become ready mvp = self._mvp cs = self._ccs # Chip is already current while True: # TODO read status register 2, raise OSError on nonzero. mvp[0] = _RDSR1 cs(0) self._spi.write_readinto(mvp[:2], mvp[:2]) cs(1) if not (mvp[1] & 1): break time.sleep_ms(1) # Given an address, set current chip select and address buffer. # Return the number of bytes that can be processed in the current chip. def _getaddr(self, addr, nbytes): if addr >= self._a_bytes: raise RuntimeError("Flash Address is out of range") ca, la = divmod(addr, self._c_bytes) # ca == chip no, la == offset into chip self._ccs = self._cspins[ca] # Current chip select cmdlen = self._cmdlen mvp = self._mvp[:cmdlen] if cmdlen > 3: mvp[-4] = la >> 24 mvp[-3] = la >> 16 & 0xff mvp[-2] = (la >> 8) & 0xff mvp[-1] = la & 0xff pe = (addr & -self._c_bytes) + self._c_bytes # Byte 0 of next chip return min(nbytes, pe - la) # Erase sector. Address is start byte address of sector. Optimisation: skip # if sector is already erased. def _sector_erase(self, addr): if not self.is_empty(addr): self._getaddr(addr, 1) cs = self._ccs # Current chip select from _getaddr mvp = self._mvp mvp[0] = _WREN cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:1]) # Enable write cs(1) mvp[0] = self._cmds[_SE] cs(0) self._spi.write(mvp[:self._cmdlen]) # Start erase cs(1) self._wait_rdy() # Wait for erase to complete