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Communicate with devices on the i2c bus (i2c / Qwiic connector)
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Author: Wolf Paulus wolf@paulus.com
MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 wolfpaulus.com
from micropython import const
from machine import Pin, I2C
_I2C_SDA = const(21)
_I2C_SCL = const(22)
_FREQ = const(400000)
def write_bytes(address: int, ba: bytearray) -> None:
"""Sends a bytearray to the given device address
:param address: I2C address of the device to write to
:param ba: bytes to write
:return: None
_i2c.writeto(address, ba)
def write_byte(address: int, data: int) -> None:
"""Sends a single byte to the device
:param address: I2C address of the device to write to
:param data: the data will be cast to a byte and then send.
:return: None
ba = bytearray(1)
ba[0] = data
_i2c.writeto(address, ba)
def write_cmd(address: int, command: int, value: int) -> None:
"""Sends two bytes, e.g. a command and a parameter
:param address: I2C address of the device to write to
:param command: The "command" or register
:param value: The byte to write to the I2C bus
:return: None
ba = bytearray(2)
ba[0] = command
ba[1] = value
write_bytes(address, ba)
def write_block(address: int, command: int, values: [int]) -> None:
"""Sends a command byte and a data list
:param address: I2C address of the device to write to
:param command: The "command" or register
:param values: a list of ints (cast to bytes) to write on the I2C bus.
:return: None
ba = bytearray(len(values) + 1)
ba[0] = command
for i in range(len(values)):
ba[i + 1] = values[i]
write_bytes(address, ba)
def scan() -> []:
Scan the i2c bus for devices
:return: list of device ids
return _i2c.scan()
def is_device_connected(address: int) -> bool:
:param address: The I2C address of the device to to look for
:return: True, if the device is on the bus
devices = scan()
if address in devices:
write_byte(address, 0x0)
return True
except Exception as ee:
print("Error connecting to Device: %X, %s" % (address, ee))
return False
def read16(address: int, register: int) -> int:
:param address: The I2C address of the device to to look for
:param register: int
:return: register value
buffer = _i2c.readfrom_mem(address, register, 2)
return buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1]
_i2c = I2C(0, sda=Pin(_I2C_SDA), scl=Pin(_I2C_SCL), freq=_FREQ)