
33 wiersze
818 B

fg - Fuel Gauge
Author: Wolf Paulus wolf@paulus.com
MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 wolfpaulus.com
from micropython import const
import pybox_i2c as i2c
DEFAULT_ADDRESS = const(0x36)
_MAX17048_VCELL = const(0x02)
_MAX17048_SOC = const(0x04)
def is_connected(address=DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
Determine if a device is connected to the system.
:return: True if the device is connected, otherwise False.
:rtype: bool
return i2c.is_device_connected(address)
def voltage(address=DEFAULT_ADDRESS) -> float:
"""Current Voltage"""
raw = i2c.read16(address, _MAX17048_VCELL)
return raw * 78.125 / 1_000_000
def remaining(address=DEFAULT_ADDRESS) -> int:
"""remaining capacity in percentage"""
raw = i2c.read16(address, _MAX17048_SOC)
return raw // 256