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ct - Central Timer
One timer will be used for all of pyBox system calls, leaving remaining three for custom code
Author: Wolf Paulus wolf@paulus.com
MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 wolfpaulus.com
from micropython import const
from machine import Timer
import pybox_log as log
_TIMER_ID = const(0)
_TICK_MS = const(1)
MIN_FREQ = const(1000 // _TICK_MS * 60 * 60) # about 1 hour
MAX_FREQ = const(_TICK_MS)
def process(_) -> None:
this is called every ${frequency}-th of a second and will call every callback that is due.
:return: None
global _counter
_counter = _counter + 1 if _counter < MIN_FREQ else 1 # 1..3_600_000
for t in _tasks:
if _counter % t[1] == 0:
def register(task: ()) -> None:
Registers a callback and call frequency. The callback should have no parameters
and the frequency should be in MAX_FREQ..MIN_FREQ range
:param task: callback,freq
:return: None
def unregister(task: (callable, int)) -> None:
Unregisters a previously registered task
:param task: callback,freq
:return: None
for i in range(len(_tasks) - 1, -1, -1):
if _tasks[i][0].__name__ == task[0].__name__:
log.log(log.ERROR, f"Could not unregister {task[0].__name__}")
_counter = 0
_tasks = []
_timer = Timer(_TIMER_ID)
_timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=_TICK_MS, callback=process)