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NeoPixel, BlueLED, SDDrive, WiFi for MicroPython on SparkFun Thing Plus
Author: wolf@paulus.com
MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 wolfpaulus.com
from micropython import const
from machine import freq, Pin, SDCard, Signal, RTC
from utime import sleep
from network import WLAN, STA_IF
from neopixel import NeoPixel
from uos import mount
from pybox_btn import Button
from collections import OrderedDict
_BTN_UP_PIN = const(27)
_BTN_DN_PIN = const(33)
_TURBO_SPEED = const(240000000)
_NORMAL_SPEED = const(160000000)
_BLUE_LED_PIN = const(13)
_NEO_PIN = const(2)
class Neo:
def __init__(self, pin: int = 2):
self.neo = NeoPixel(Pin(pin, Pin.OUT, value=False), 1)
def color(self, r: int = 255, g: int = 255, b: int = 255):
self.neo[0] = (r, g, b)
def get_color(self) -> (int, int, int):
return self.neo[0]
def off(self) -> None:
self.neo[0] = (0, 0, 0)
def turbo(on: bool = True) -> None:
Switch ESP's clock speed
:param on: 240MHz is True else, defaulting to 160MHz
:return: None
freq(_TURBO_SPEED if on else _NORMAL_SPEED)
def mount_sd(directory: str = "/sd") -> None:
Define removable storage media - secure digital memory card
sd = SDCard(slot=2, width=1, cd=None, wp=None, sck=18, miso=19, mosi=23, cs=5, freq=40000000)
mount(sd, directory)
def connect(wifi_networks: list) -> bool:
Connect to Wifi router or become an Access Point
:param wifi_networks: list of tuples [(ssid, password),..]
:return: True if connected
global hostname, ip_addr
conn = False
while not conn:
for ssid, pw in wifi_networks:
sta_if = WLAN(STA_IF)
if not sta_if.isconnected():
sta_if.connect(ssid, pw)
# sta_if.config(dhcp_hostname=profile.HostName)
for i in range(2, 8):
sta_if = WLAN(STA_IF)
if sta_if.isconnected():
conn = True
ip_addr = sta_if.ifconfig()[0]
hostname = sta_if.config("dhcp_hostname")
if conn:
return conn
def is_connected() -> bool:
:return: True is connected to WiFi
return WLAN(STA_IF).isconnected()
def set_system_time(d: dict) -> None:
Set the Systemtime
:param d: dictionary
RTC().datetime((d["year"], d["month"], d["day"], 0, d["hour"], d["minute"], d["seconds"], 0))
def rgb_color() -> (int, int, int):
RGB color generator (r,g,b in the range 0..255)
:return: (r,g,b all in the range 0..255)
for i in range(1, 86):
yield 255 - i * 3, 0, i * 3
for i in range(1, 86):
yield 0, i * 3, 255 - i * 3
for i in range(1, 86):
yield i * 3, 255 - i * 3, 0
palette = OrderedDict(
# red
("Auriga", (255, 0, 63)),
("Antares", (255, 0, 0)),
# orange
("Jupiter", (255, 32, 0)),
("Proxima", (191, 128, 0)),
# gray
("Sirius", (255, 255, 255)),
("Vega", (127, 127, 191)),
# green
("Nebula", (0, 255, 0)),
("Kepler", (0, 127, 63)),
("Uranus", (0, 191, 255)),
# blue
("Rigel", (31, 31, 255)),
("Medusa", (127, 0, 255)),
("Orion", (255, 31, 255)),
blue_led = Signal(Pin(_BLUE_LED_PIN, mode=Pin.OUT, value=False), invert=False)
neo = Neo(_NEO_PIN)
neo.color(0, 0, 0)
btn_up = Button(_BTN_UP_PIN)
btn_dn = Button(_BTN_DN_PIN)
hostname = ""
ip_addr = ""