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.. currentmodule:: machine
.. _mimxrt_machine.Encoder:
class Encoder -- Quadrature Encoder for i.MXRT MCUs
This class provides the Quadrature Encoder Service.
Example usage::
# Samples for Teensy
from machine import Pin, Encoder
qe = Encoder(0, Pin("D0"), Pin("D1")) # create Quadrature Encoder object
qe.value() # get current counter values
qe.value(0) # Set value and cycles to 0
qe.init(cpc=128) # Specify 128 counts/cycle
qe.init(index=Pin(3)) # Specify Pin 3 as Index pulse input
qe.deinit() # turn off the Quadrature Encoder
qe.irq(qe.IRQ_MATCH, value=100, handler=handler)
# Call the function handler at a match event
qe # show the Encoder object properties
.. class:: Encoder(id, phase_a, phase_b, *, home, match_pin, filter_ns, cpc, signed, index)
Construct and return a new quadrature encoder object using the following parameters:
- id: The number of the Encoder. The range is board-specific, starting with 0.
For i.MX RT1015 and i.MX RT1021 based boards, this is 0..1, for i.MX RT1052,
i.MX RT106x and i.MX RT11xx based boards it is 0..3.
- *phase_a*. *phase_a* tells to which pin the phase a of the
encoder is connected. This is usually a :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>`
object, but a port may allow other values, like integers or strings,
which designate a Pin in the machine.PIN class.
- *phase_b*. *phase_b* tells to which pin the phase b of the
encoder is connected. This is usually a :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>`
object, but a port may allow other values, like integers or strings,
which designate a Pin in the machine.PIN class.
Keyword arguments:
- *phase_a*\=value and *phase_b*\=value may be assigned by keyword arguments as well.
- *home*\=value. A Pin specifier telling to which pin the home pulse is connected.
At a rising slope of the home pulse the position counter is set to the init
value, but the cycles counter is not changed. A *value* of *None* disables the home input.
- *match_pin*\=value. A Pin specifier telling to which pin the match output is connected.
This output will have a high level as long as the position counter matches the
match value. The signal is generated by the encoder logic and requires no
further software support. The pulse width is defined by the input signal frequency
and can be very short, like 20ns, or stay, if the counter stops at the match position.
A *value* of *None* disables the match output.
- *filter_ns*\=value. Specifies a ns-value for the minimal time a signal has to be stable
at the input to be recognized. The code does the best effort to configure the filter.
The largest value is 20400 for the i.MXRT102x and 17000 for the i.MXRT105x/i.MXRT106x
(1000000000 * 2550 * 4 / CPU_CLK). A value of 0 sets the filter off.
- *cpc*\=value. Specify the number of counts per cycle. Since the
Encoder counts all four phases of the input signal, the cpc value has to be four
times the ppr value given in the encoder data sheet. The position counter will count up
from the 0 up to cpc - 1, and then reset to the init value of 0 and increase
the cycles counter by one. The default is: no cpc set. In that case the
position counter overflows at 2**32 - 1. When counting down, the cycles counter changes
at the transition from 0 to cpc - 1.
- *signed*\=False|True tells, whether the value return by Encoder.value() is signed or
unsigned. The default is ``True``.
- *index*\=value. A Pin specifier telling to which pin the index pulse is connected.
At a rising slope of the index pulse the position counter is set to the init value
and the cycles counter is increased by one. A *value* of *None* disables the index input.
The arguments phase_a, phase_b and filter_ns are generic across ports, all other arguments are port-specific.
.. method:: Encoder.init(*, phase_a, phase_b, home, match_pin, filter_ns, cpc, signed, index)
Modify settings for the Encoder object. See the above constructor for details
about the parameters.
.. method:: Encoder.deinit()
Stops the Encoder, disables interrupts and releases the resources used by the encoder. On
Soft Reset, all instances of Encoder and Counter are deinitialized.
.. method:: value=Encoder.value([value])
Get or set the current position counter of the Encoder as signed or unsigned 32 bit integer,
depending on the signed=xxx keyword option of init().
With no arguments the actual position counter value is returned.
With a single *value* argument the position counter is set to that value and the
cycles counter is cleared. The methods returns the previous value.
.. method:: cycles=Encoder.cycles([value])
Get or set the current cycles counter of the Encoder as signed 16 bit integer.
With no arguments the actual cycles counter value is returned.
With a single *value* argument the cycles counter is set to that value. The
position counter is not changed. The methods returns the previous value.
If the value returned by Encoder.value() is unsigned,
the total position can be calculated as cycles() * cpc + value().
If the total position range is still too small, you can create your own cycles
counter using the irq() callback method.
.. method:: Encoder.irq(trigger=event, value=nnn, handler=handler, hard=False)
Specifies, that the *handler* is called when the respective *event* happens.
*event* may be:
- Encoder.IRQ_MATCH Triggered when the position counter matches the match value.
- Encoder.IRQ_ROLL_OVER Triggered when the position counter rolls over from the highest
to the lowest value.
- Encoder.IRQ_ROLL_UNDER Triggered when the position counter rolls under from the lowest
to the highest value.
The callback is called, when the Encoder is at *value*. For fas signals, the actual counter
value may be different from the trigger value.
The callback function *handler* receives a single argument, which is the Encoder object. All
events share the same callback. The event which triggers the callback can be identified
with the Encoder.status() method. The argument *hard* specifies, whether the callback is called
as a hard interrupt or as regular scheduled function. Hard interrupts have always a short latency,
but are limited in that they must not allocate memory. Regular scheduled functions are not limited
in what can be used, but depending on the load of the device execution may be delayed.
Under low load, the difference in latency is minor.
The default arguments values are trigger=0, handler=None, hard=False. The callback will be
disabled, when called with handler=None.
The position match event is triggered as long as the position and match value are identical.
Therefore the position match callback is run in a one-shot fashion, and has to be enabled
again when the position has changed.
.. method:: Encoder.status()
Returns the event status flags of the recent handled Encoder interrupt as a bitmap.
The assignment of events to the bits are:
- 0: Transition at the HOME signal. (*)
- 1: Transition at the INDEX signal. (*)
- 2: Watchdog event. (*)
- 3 or Encoder.IRQ_MATCH: Position match event.
- 4: Phase_A and Phase_B changed at the same time. (*)
- 5 or Encoder.IRQ_ROLL_OVER: Roll-Over event of the counter.
- 6 or Encoder.IRQ_ROLL_UNDER: Roll-Under event of the counter.
- 7: Direction of the last count. 1 for counting up, 0 for counting down.
(*) These flags are defined, but not (yet) enabled.
.. method:: Encoder.id()
Return the id of the Encoder. That may be helpful for interrupt callback functions.
The Encoder was tested to work up to 25MHz on a Teensy. It may work at
higher frequencies as well, but that was the limit of the test set-up.
.. _mimxrt_machine.Counter:
class Counter-- Signal counter for i.MXRT MCUs
This class provides a Counter service using the Quadrature Encoder module
Example usage::
# Samples for Teensy
from machine import Pin, Counter
counter = Counter(0, Pin("D0")) # create Counter object
counter.value() # get current counter value
counter.value(0) # Set the counter to 0
counter.init(cpc=128) # Specify 128 counts/cycle
counter.deinit() # turn off the Counter
counter.irq(Counter.IRQ_MATCH, handler) # Call the function handler at a counter match
counter # show the Counter object properties
.. class:: Counter(id, src, *, direction, match_pin, filter_ns, cpc, match, signed, index)
Construct and return a new Counter object using the following parameters:
- id: The number of the Counter. The range is board-specific, starting with 0.
For i.MX RT1015 and i.MX RT1021 based boards, this is 0..1, for i.MX RT1052,
i.MX RT106x and i.MX RT11xx based boards it is 0..3.
- *src*. *src* tells to which pin the counter
is connected. This is usually a :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>`
object, but a port may allow other values, like integers or strings,
which designate a Pin in the machine.PIN class.
Keyword arguments:
- *src*\=value may be assigned by a keyword argument as well.
- *direction*\=value. Specifying the direction of counting. Suitable values are:
- Counter.UP: Count up, with a roll-over to 0 at 2**48-1.
- Counter.DOWN: Count down, with a roll-under to 2**48-1 at 0.
- a :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>` object. The level at that pin controls
the counting direction. Low: Count up, High: Count down.
- *match_pin*\=value. A Pin specifier telling to which pin the match output is connected.
This output will have a high level as long as the lower 32 bit of the counter value
matches the match value. The signal is generated by the encoder logic and
requires no further software support. A *value* of *None* disables the match output.
- *filter_ns*\=value. Specifies a ns-value for the minimal time a signal has to be stable
at the input to be recognized. The code does the best effort to configure the filter.
The largest value is 20400 for the i.MXRT102x and 17000 for the i.MXRT105x/i.MXRT106x
(1000000000 * 2550 * 4 / CPU_CLK). A value of 0 sets the filter off.
- *cpc*\=value. Specify the number of counts per cycle.The counter will count up
from the 0 up to cpc - 1, and then reset to 0 and increase
the cycles counter by one. The default is: no cpc set. In that case the
counter overflows at 2**32 - 1. If the counting direction is DOWN, then the cycles
counter is decreased when counting from 0 to cpc-1.
- *signed*\=False|True tells, whether the value returned by Counter.value() is signed or
unsigned. The default is ``True``.
- *index*\=value. A Pin specifier telling to which pin the index pulse is connected.
At a rising slope of the index pulse the counter is set to 0
and the cycles counter is increased by one. A *value* of *None* disables the index input.
The arguments input, direction and filter are generic across ports, all other arguments are port-specific.
.. method:: Counter.init( *, src, direction, match_pin, filter_ns, cpc, match, signed, index)
Modify settings for the Counter object. See the above constructor for details
about the parameters.
.. method:: Counter.deinit()
Stops the Counter, disables interrupts and releases the resources used by the encoder. On
Soft Reset, all instances of Encoder and Counter are deinitialized.
.. method:: value=Counter.value([value])
Get or set the current event value of the Counter. The value is returned as a signed or
unsigned 32 bit integer, as defined with the signed=True/False option of init()
With a single *value* argument the counter is set to the lower 32 bits of that value,
and the cycles counter to the bits 32-47 of the supplied number. The methods returns the
previous value.
.. method:: cycles=Counter.cycles([value])
Get or set the current cycles counter of the counter as signed 16 bit integer.
The value represents the overflow or underflow events of the 32bit basic counter.
A total count can be calculated as cycles() * 0x100000000 + value().
If the total count range is still too small, you can create your own overflow
counter using the irq() callback method.
With no arguments the actual cycles counter value is returned.
With a single *value* argument the cycles counter is set to that value. The
base counter is not changed. The methods returns the previous value.
.. method:: Counter.irq(trigger=event, value=nnn, handler=handler, hard=False)
Specifies, that the *handler* is called when the respective *event* happens.
*event* may be:
- Counter.IRQ_COMPARE Triggered when the positions counter matches the match value.
- Counter.IRQ_ROLL_OVER Triggered when the position counter rolls over from the highest
to the lowest value.
- Counter.IRQ_ROLL_UNDER Triggered when the position counter rolls under from the lowest
to the highest value.
The callback is called, when the Counter is at *value*. For fast signals, the actual counter
value may be different from the trigger value.
The callback function *handler* receives a single argument, which is the Counter object. All
events share the same callback. The event which triggers the callback can be identified
with the Counter.status() method. The argument *hard* specifies, whether the callback is called
as a hard interrupt or as regular scheduled function. Hard interrupts have always a short latency,
but are limited in that they must not allocate memory. Regular scheduled functions are not limited
in what can be used, but depending on the load of the device execution may be delayed.
Under low load, the difference in latency is minor.
The default arguments values are trigger=0, handler=None, hard=False. The callback will be
disabled, when called with handler=None.
The counter match event is triggered as long as the lower 32 bit of the counter and match
value match. Therefore the counter match callback is run in a one-shot fashion, and has to be enabled
again when the counter value has changed.
.. method:: Counter.status()
Returns the event status flags of the recent handled Counter interrupt as a bitmap.
The assignment of events to the bits are:
- 0: Transition at the HOME signal. (*)
- 1: Transition at the INDEX signal. (*)
- 2: Watchdog event. (*)
- 3 or Counter.IRQ_MATCH: Position match event.
- 4: Phase_A and Phase_B changed at the same time. (*)
- 5 or Counter.IRQ_ROLL_OVER: Roll-Over event of the counter.
- 6 or Counter.IRQ_ROLL_UNDER: Roll-Under event of the counter.
- 7: Direction of the last count. 1 for counting up, 0 for counting down.
(*) These flags are defined, but not (yet) enabled.
.. method:: Counter.id()
Return the id of the Counter. That may be helpful for interrupt callback functions.
The counter was tested up to 50MHz. It may work at higher frequencies
as well, but that was the limit of the test set-up.
Pin Assignment
Pins are specified in the same way as for the Pin class. The pins available for an
assignment to the Encoder or Counter are:
Not supported.
J30, pins 1 and 3, with the pin names "ENC1" and "ENC2".
Pins D0 and D1.
**IMXRT1050_EVK**, **IMXRT1050_EVKB**, **IMXRT1060_EVK**, **IMXRT1064_EBK**:
Pins D2, D4, D5, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, A4, A5.
Depending on the board configuration, not all pins may be wired.
Pins D2, D4 and D5 cannot be used for the match output.
Pins D0, D1, D2.
D2 is connected to the 1G PHY chip as well. So levels may be distorted.
**Teensy 4.0**:
Pins D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7, D8, D26, D27, D30, D31, D32, D33.
Pin D0 and D5 share the same signal and cannot be used independently.
Pins D26, D27, D30 and D31 cannot be used for the match output.
**Teensy 4.1**:
Pins D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7, D8, D26, D27, D30, D31, D32, D33,
D37, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46 and D47.
Pins D26, D27, D30 and D31 cannot be used for the match output.
Some pins are assigned to the same signal and cannot be used independently. These are:
- Pins D0, D5 and D37,
- Pins D2 and D43,
- Pins D3 and D42, and
- Pins D4 and D47.
**Seeed ARCH MIX**
Pins J3_14, J3_15, J4_19, J4_20, J5_15, J5_16, J5_17, J5_22, J5_23, J5_24, J5_25 and J5_26.
Pins J3_14 and J3_15 cannot be used for the match output.
**Olimex RT1010Py**
Not supported.