
398 wiersze
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This tool is used to provide visibility into mpconfig
# Currently it parses configured source files and uses the
# pre-processor to parse and present all configured
# MICROPY_* definitions
import ast
import functools
import io
import json
import os
import operator as op
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import multiprocessing, multiprocessing.dummy
from numpy import source
file_header = r'^# \d+ "(.*)"(?: \d+)*$'
pattern = r"(MICROPY_[A-Z_0-9]+(?:\(.*?\))?)"
pattern_detail = r"(#[ifdefinels]+ )?(.*?)(MICROPY_[A-Z_0-9]+(?:\(.*?\))?)(.*)$"
pattern_ignore = r"_*MICROPY_INCLUDED_\S+_H_*"
class Args:
mpy = ["."]
debug = []
pp = []
output = []
cflags = []
cxxflags = []
sources = []
pp_output = None
args = Args()
class ifdef:
def __init__(self, val):
self.s = str(val)
def __str__(self):
return self.s
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.s < str(other)
DEFINED = ifdef(1)
UNDEFINED = ifdef(0)
def find_mpconfig_defines_in_files(files):
"""Find any MICROPY_* definitions in the provided c file.
:param str c_file: path to c file to check
:return: List[(module_name, obj_module, enabled_define)]
global pattern_detail
details = {}
def find_mpconfig_defines(fname):
with io.open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as file_obj:
content = file_obj.read()
# unwrap line-continuation
content = re.sub("\\\\\n\s*", "", content, flags=re.MULTILINE)
definitions = re.findall(pattern_detail, content, flags=re.MULTILINE)
return fname, [d for d in definitions if not re.match(pattern_ignore, d[2])]
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
cpus = 1
p = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(cpus)
for name, matches in p.imap(find_mpconfig_defines, files):
for match in matches:
line_type = match[0]
between = match[1]
conf = match[2]
value = match[3].strip()
if conf not in details:
details[conf] = dict(defined=set(), used=set(), value=UNDEFINED)
if "#define " == line_type:
if " " in between:
# the detected conf is in the value, not the define name
if not value:
value = DEFINED
details[conf]["defined"].add((name, value))
return details
def preprocess():
sources = args.sources
csources = []
cxxsources = []
for source in sources:
if source.endswith(".cpp"):
elif source.endswith(".c"):
except OSError:
def pp(flags):
def run(files):
return subprocess.check_output(args.pp + flags + files)
return run
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
cpus = 1
p = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(cpus)
with open(args.pp_output, "wb") as out_file:
for flags, sources in (
(args.cflags, csources),
(args.cxxflags, cxxsources),
batch_size = (len(sources) + cpus - 1) // cpus
chunks = [sources[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(sources), batch_size or 1)]
for output in p.imap(pp(flags), chunks):
def eval_expr(expr):
Safely evaluate maths expressions in C define strings.
expr = expr.replace("||", "|").replace("&&", "&").replace("! ", " not").replace("!(", " not (")
return eval_(ast.parse(expr, mode="eval").body)
except (TypeError, SyntaxError):
return expr
def eval_(node):
# supported operators
operators = {
ast.Add: op.add,
ast.Sub: op.sub,
ast.Mult: op.mul,
ast.Div: op.truediv,
ast.Pow: op.pow,
ast.BitXor: op.xor,
ast.BitAnd: op.and_,
ast.USub: op.neg,
ast.BitOr: op.or_,
ast.GtE: op.ge,
ast.Gt: op.gt,
ast.LtE: op.le,
ast.Lt: op.lt,
ast.Eq: op.eq,
ast.NotEq: op.ne,
ast.LShift: op.lshift,
ast.RShift: op.rshift,
ast.Not: op.not_,
ret = None
if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number>
ret = node.n
elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right>
ret = operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left), eval_(node.right))
elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1
ret = operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand))
elif isinstance(node, ast.Compare): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1
ret = True
left = eval_(node.left)
for opr, right in zip(node.ops, [eval_(c) for c in node.comparators]):
ret &= operators[type(opr)](left, right)
raise TypeError(node)
return 1 if ret is True else 0 if ret is False else ret
def parse_values(mpconfig_in):
mpconfig = {}
for key, value in mpconfig_in.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
if key == value:
mpconfig[key] = UNDEFINED
if value == "":
mpconfig[key] = DEFINED
def _fill_mpconfig(match):
return str(mpconfig_in.get(match.group(0), 0))
value = re.sub(pattern_detail, _fill_mpconfig, value)
value = eval_expr(value)
mpconfig[key] = value
return mpconfig
def mpypath(p):
return os.path.relpath(p, args.mpy)
def main():
args.command = sys.argv[1]
named_args = {s: [] for s in dir(args) if not s.startswith("_")}
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg in named_args:
current_tok = arg
if not named_args["pp"] or len(named_args["output"]) != 1:
print("usage: %s %s ..." % (sys.argv[0], " ... ".join(named_args)))
for k, v in named_args.items():
if v:
setattr(args, k, v)
for arg in ("mpy", "output"):
val = getattr(args, arg)
if isinstance(val, list):
setattr(args, arg, val[0])
if args.debug:
args.debug = str(args.debug[0]) == "1"
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.output), exist_ok=True)
# Add preprocessor flag to keep all #define lines in output
args.cflags.extend(["-dD", "-Wp,-w"])
args.cxxflags.extend(["-dD", "-Wp,-w"])
args.pp_output = args.output + ".i"
with open(args.pp_output, "r") as ppi:
preproc_out = ppi.read()
if not args.debug:
# Find all the defines and header files in the pre-processor output
micropy_all = set(
(d for d in re.findall(pattern, preproc_out) if not re.match(pattern_ignore, d))
files_all = set(re.findall(file_header, preproc_out, flags=re.MULTILINE))
headers_all = set(
os.path.relpath(f, ".")
for f in files_all
if f.endswith(".h") and not f.startswith("/") and os.path.exists(f)
src_files = set(args.sources)
# Create a dummy C file with all configs to pre-process the final config values
def_c_file = args.output + ".c"
_mark_start = "___MPCONFIG_DEFINES_START___\n"
_mark_end = "___MPCONFIG_DEFINES_END___\n"
with open(def_c_file, "w") as cdef:
cdef.write(f"#include <py/mpconfig.h>\n")
for h in sorted(headers_all):
cdef.write(f'#include "{h}"\n')
cdef.write("#define STR(a) STR_(a)\n")
cdef.write("#define STR_(a...) #a\n\n")
cdef.write(",\n".join(('"%s": STR(%s)' % (d, d) for d in micropy_all)))
args.sources = [def_c_file]
args.pp_output = def_c_file + ".i"
with open(args.pp_output, "r") as ppi:
preproc_out = ppi.read()
if not args.debug:
# Snip out the json we've crafted above
pp_json = (
re.search(f"{_mark_start}(.*){_mark_end}", preproc_out, flags=re.DOTALL).group(1).strip()
mpconfig_json = json.loads(pp_json)
mpconfig_json_eval = None
while True:
# re-run eval on values to process any micropy dependant on other micropy
mpconfig_json_eval = parse_values(mpconfig_json)
if mpconfig_json_eval == mpconfig_json:
mpconfig_json = mpconfig_json_eval
# scan through all C and H files to gather usage locations and original definitions
micropy_details = find_mpconfig_defines_in_files(headers_all | src_files)
outfile = args.output
with open(outfile, "w") as out_file:
for key, value in sorted(mpconfig_json.items()):
if value is UNDEFINED:
out_file.write(f"# {key} is not defined\n")
elif value is DEFINED:
out_file.write(f'{key} = "" # is defined\n')
elif isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip('"')
out_file.write(f'{key} = "{value}"\n')
out_file.write(f"{key} = {value}\n")
# re-sort details by the file they're initially defined in.
micropy_by_loc = {}
for conf, details in micropy_details.items():
defined = details["defined"]
used = details["used"]
value = mpconfig_json.get(conf, UNDEFINED)
for location, orig_val in defined:
if location not in micropy_by_loc:
micropy_by_loc[location] = dict()
key = (conf, value)
if key not in micropy_by_loc[location]:
micropy_by_loc[location][key] = dict(used=set(), orig_val=set())
micropy_by_loc[location][key]["used"] |= used
if isinstance(orig_val, str):
orig_val = re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/", "", orig_val)
# Create out.h header file with full details
outheader = args.output + ".h"
with open(outheader, "w") as header_file:
for location, defines in reversed(sorted(micropy_by_loc.items())):
header_file.write(f"/** Definitions from: {mpypath(location)} */\n")
for (conf, value), details in sorted(defines.items()):
uses = details["used"]
if uses:
header_file.write(f"\n/** Used in:\n")
header_file.write("\n".join((f" * {mpypath(use)}" for use in sorted(uses))))
header_file.write(f"\n */\n")
header_file.write(f"\n/** No uses found */\n")
orig_vals = [str(v).strip("() ") for v in details["orig_val"]]
if str(value) not in orig_vals:
header_file.write(f"/** Definition here:\n")
header_file.write("\n".join((f" * {v}" for v in sorted(details["orig_val"]))))
header_file.write(f"\n */\n")
if value is UNDEFINED:
header_file.write(f"#undef {conf}\n")
elif value is DEFINED:
header_file.write(f"#define {conf}\n")
elif isinstance(value, str):
header_file.write(f"#define {conf} {value}\n")
header_file.write(f"#define {conf} {value}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":