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<title>FatFs - Return Codes</title>
<h1>Return Code of the File Functions</h1>
<p>On the FatFs API, most of file functions return common result code as enum type <tt>FRESULT</tt>. When a function succeeded, it returns zero, otherwise returns non-zero value that indicates type of error.</p>
<dl class="ret">
<dt id="ok">FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dt id="de">FR_DISK_ERR</dt>
<dd>An unrecoverable error occured in the lower layer, <tt>disk_read()</tt>, <tt>disk_write()</tt> or <tt>disk_ioctl()</tt> function.</dd>
<dt id="ie">FR_INT_ERR</dt>
<dd>Assertion failed. An insanity is detected in the internal process. One of the following possibilities are suspected.
<li>There is any error of the FAT structure on the volume.</li>
<li>Work area (file system object, file object or etc...) is broken by stack overflow or any other application. This is the reason in most case.</li>
<li>An <tt>FR_DISK_ERR</tt> has occured on the file object.</li>
<dt id="nr">FR_NOT_READY</dt>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to incorrect medium removal or <tt>disk_initialize()</tt> function failed.</dd>
<dt id="nf">FR_NO_FILE</dt>
<dd>Could not find the file.</dd>
<dt id="np">FR_NO_PATH</dt>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dt id="in">FR_INVALID_NAME</dt>
<dd>The given string is invalid as the <a href="filename.html">path name</a>.</dd>
<dt id="dn">FR_DENIED</dt>
<dd>The required access was denied due to one of the following reasons:
<li>Write mode open against the read-only file.</li>
<li>Deleting the read-only file or directory.</li>
<li>Deleting the non-empty directory or current directory.</li>
<li>Reading the file opened without <tt>FA_READ</tt> flag.</li>
<li>Any modification to the file opened without <tt>FA_WRITE</tt> flag.</li>
<li>Could not create the file or directory due to the directory table is full.</li>
<li>Could not create the directory due to the volume is full.</li>
<dt id="ex">FR_EXIST</dt>
<dd>Any file or directory that has the same name is already existing.</dd>
<dt id="io">FR_INVALID_OBJECT</dt>
<dd>The file/directory object is invalid or a null pointer is given.</dd>
<dt id="wp">FR_WRITE_PROTECTED</dt>
<dd>Any write mode action against the write-protected media.</dd>
<dt id="id">FR_INVALID_DRIVE</dt>
<dd>Invalid drive number is specified in the path name. (Related option: <tt>_VOLUMES</tt>)</dd>
<dt id="ne">FR_NOT_ENABLED</dt>
<dd>Work area for the logical drive has not been registered by <tt>f_mount()</tt> function.</dd>
<dt id="ns">FR_NO_FILESYSTEM</dt>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<dt id="ma">FR_MKFS_ABORTED</dt>
<dd>The <tt>f_mkfs()</tt> function aborted before start in format due to a reason as follows:
<li>The disk size is too small.</li>
<li>Not allowable cluster size for this disk. This can occure when number of clusters gets near the 0xFF7 and 0xFFF7.</li>
<li>There is no partition related to the logical drive. (Related option: <tt>_MULTI_PARTITION</tt>)</li>
<dt id="tm">FR_TIMEOUT</dt>
<dd>The function canceled due to a timeout of <a href="appnote.html#reentrant">thread-safe control</a>. (Related option: <tt>_TIMEOUT</tt>)</dd>
<dt id="lo">FR_LOCKED</dt>
<dd>The file access is rejected by <a href="appnote.html#dup">file sharing control</a>. (Related option: <tt>_FS_LOCK</tt>)</dd>
<dt id="nc">FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE</dt>
<dd>Not enough memory for the operation. There is one of the following reasons:
<li>Could not allocate a memory for LFN working buffer. (Related option: <tt>_USE_LFN</tt>)</li>
<li>Given CLMT is insufficient size for the required size.</li>
<dt id="tf">FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES</dt>
<dd>Number of open files has been reached maximum value and no more file can be opened. (Related option: <tt>_FS_LOCK</tt>)</dd>
<dt id="ip">FR_INVALID_PARAMETER</dt>
<dd>The given parameter is invalid or there is any inconsistent.</dd>