# datalogger.py # Logs the data from the acceleromter to a file on the SD-card import pyb # creating objects accel = pyb.Accel() blue = pyb.LED(4) switch = pyb.Switch() # loop while True: # wait for interrupt # this reduces power consumption while waiting for switch press pyb.wfi() # start if switch is pressed if switch(): pyb.delay(200) # delay avoids detection of multiple presses blue.on() # blue LED indicates file open log = open('1:/log.csv', 'w') # open file on SD (SD: '1:/', flash: '0/) # until switch is pressed again while not switch(): t = pyb.millis() # get time x, y, z = accel.filtered_xyz() # get acceleration data log.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format(t,x,y,z)) # write data to file # end after switch is pressed again log.close() # close file blue.off() # blue LED indicates file closed pyb.delay(200) # delay avoids detection of multiple presses