.syntax unified .cpu cortex-m4 .thumb .text .align 2 @ uint gc_helper_get_sp(void) .global gc_helper_get_sp .thumb .thumb_func .type gc_helper_get_sp, %function gc_helper_get_sp: @ return the sp mov r0, sp bx lr @ uint gc_helper_get_regs_and_sp(r0=uint regs[10]) .global gc_helper_get_regs_and_sp .thumb .thumb_func .type gc_helper_get_regs_and_sp, %function gc_helper_get_regs_and_sp: @ store registers into given array str r4, [r0], #4 str r5, [r0], #4 str r6, [r0], #4 str r7, [r0], #4 str r8, [r0], #4 str r9, [r0], #4 str r10, [r0], #4 str r11, [r0], #4 str r12, [r0], #4 str r13, [r0], #4 @ return the sp mov r0, sp bx lr