# MicroPython asyncio module # MIT license; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Damien P. George from . import core from .funcs import wait_for_ms class Stream: def __init__(self, s, e={}): self.s = s self.e = e self.out_buf = b"" self._server = False def get_extra_info(self, v): return self.e[v] def close(self): pass async def wait_closed(self): while True and self._server: try: # this makes sure there is no pending data in the socket # to avoid ECONNRESET at client side. if not await wait_for_ms(self.read(), 10): break except Exception: # ECONNRESET, TimeoutError break self.s.close() # async def read(self, n=-1): r = b"" while True: yield core._io_queue.queue_read(self.s) r2 = self.s.read(n) if r2 is not None: if n >= 0: return r2 if not len(r2): return r r += r2 # async def readinto(self, buf): yield core._io_queue.queue_read(self.s) return self.s.readinto(buf) # async def readexactly(self, n): r = b"" while n: yield core._io_queue.queue_read(self.s) r2 = self.s.read(n) if r2 is not None: if not len(r2): raise EOFError r += r2 n -= len(r2) return r # async def readline(self): l = b"" while True: yield core._io_queue.queue_read(self.s) l2 = self.s.readline() # may do multiple reads but won't block if l2 is None: continue l += l2 if not l2 or l[-1] == 10: # \n (check l in case l2 is str) return l def write(self, buf): if not self.out_buf: # Try to write immediately to the underlying stream. ret = self.s.write(buf) if ret == len(buf): return if ret is not None: buf = buf[ret:] self.out_buf += buf # async def drain(self): if not self.out_buf: # Drain must always yield, so a tight loop of write+drain can't block the scheduler. return (yield from core.sleep_ms(0)) mv = memoryview(self.out_buf) off = 0 while off < len(mv): yield core._io_queue.queue_write(self.s) ret = self.s.write(mv[off:]) if ret is not None: off += ret self.out_buf = b"" # Stream can be used for both reading and writing to save code size StreamReader = Stream StreamWriter = Stream # Create a TCP stream connection to a remote host # # async def open_connection(host, port, ssl=None, server_hostname=None): from errno import EINPROGRESS import socket ai = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0] # TODO this is blocking! s = socket.socket(ai[0], ai[1], ai[2]) s.setblocking(False) try: s.connect(ai[-1]) except OSError as er: if er.errno != EINPROGRESS: raise er # wrap with SSL, if requested if ssl: if ssl is True: import ssl as _ssl ssl = _ssl.SSLContext(_ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) if not server_hostname: server_hostname = host s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=server_hostname, do_handshake_on_connect=False) s.setblocking(False) ss = Stream(s) yield core._io_queue.queue_write(s) return ss, ss # Class representing a TCP stream server, can be closed and used in "async with" class Server: async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): self.close() await self.wait_closed() def close(self): # Note: the _serve task must have already started by now due to the sleep # in start_server, so `state` won't be clobbered at the start of _serve. self.state = True self.task.cancel() async def wait_closed(self): await self.task async def _serve(self, s, cb, ssl): self.state = False # Accept incoming connections while True: try: yield core._io_queue.queue_read(s) except core.CancelledError as er: # The server task was cancelled, shutdown server and close socket. s.close() if self.state: # If the server was explicitly closed, ignore the cancellation. return else: # Otherwise e.g. the parent task was cancelled, propagate # cancellation. raise er try: s2, addr = s.accept() except: # Ignore a failed accept continue if ssl: try: s2 = ssl.wrap_socket(s2, server_side=True, do_handshake_on_connect=False) except OSError as e: core.sys.print_exception(e) s2.close() continue s2.setblocking(False) s2s = Stream(s2, {"peername": addr}) s2s._server = True core.create_task(cb(s2s, s2s)) # Helper function to start a TCP stream server, running as a new task # TODO could use an accept-callback on socket read activity instead of creating a task async def start_server(cb, host, port, backlog=5, ssl=None): import socket # Create and bind server socket. host = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port)[0] # TODO this is blocking! s = socket.socket() s.setblocking(False) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(host[-1]) s.listen(backlog) # Create and return server object and task. srv = Server() srv.task = core.create_task(srv._serve(s, cb, ssl)) try: # Ensure that the _serve task has been scheduled so that it gets to # handle cancellation. await core.sleep_ms(0) except core.CancelledError as er: # If the parent task is cancelled during this first sleep, then # we will leak the task and it will sit waiting for the socket, so # cancel it. srv.task.cancel() raise er return srv ################################################################################ # Legacy uasyncio compatibility async def stream_awrite(self, buf, off=0, sz=-1): if off != 0 or sz != -1: buf = memoryview(buf) if sz == -1: sz = len(buf) buf = buf[off : off + sz] self.write(buf) await self.drain() Stream.aclose = Stream.wait_closed Stream.awrite = stream_awrite Stream.awritestr = stream_awrite # TODO explicitly convert to bytes?