from machine import Pin from machine import RTC import time import os """ Execute it like this: python3 run-tests --target wipy --device ../cc3200/tools/ """ pin_map = [23, 24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 28, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 30, 31, 3, 0, 4, 5] test_bytes = os.urandom(1024) def test_pin_read(pull): # enable the pull resistor on all pins, then read the value for p in pin_map: pin = Pin("GP" + str(p), mode=Pin.IN, pull=pull) # read the pin value print(pin()) def test_pin_shorts(pull): if pull == Pin.PULL_UP: pull_inverted = Pin.PULL_DOWN else: pull_inverted = Pin.PULL_UP # enable all pulls of the specified type for p in pin_map: pin = Pin("GP" + str(p), mode=Pin.IN, pull=pull_inverted) # then change the pull one pin at a time and read its value i = 0 while i < len(pin_map): pin = Pin("GP" + str(pin_map[i]), mode=Pin.IN, pull=pull) Pin("GP" + str(pin_map[i - 1]), mode=Pin.IN, pull=pull_inverted) i += 1 # read the pin value print(pin()) test_pin_read(Pin.PULL_UP) test_pin_read(Pin.PULL_DOWN) test_pin_shorts(Pin.PULL_UP) test_pin_shorts(Pin.PULL_DOWN) # create a test directory os.mkdir("/flash/test") os.chdir("/flash/test") print(os.getcwd()) # create a new file f = open("test.txt", "w") n_w = f.write(test_bytes) print(n_w == len(test_bytes)) f.close() f = open("test.txt", "r") r = bytes(, "ascii") # check that we can write and read it correctly print(r == test_bytes) f.close() os.remove("test.txt") os.chdir("..") os.rmdir("test") ls = os.listdir() print("test" not in ls) print(ls) # test the real time clock rtc = RTC() while[6] > 800: pass time1 = time.sleep_ms(1000) time2 = print(time2[5] - time1[5] == 1) print(time2[6] - time1[6] < 5000) # microseconds