# This tests small int range for 32-bit machine # Small ints are variable-length encoded in MicroPython, so first # test that encoding works as expected. print(0) print(1) print(-1) # Value is split in 7-bit "subwords", and taking into account that all # ints in Python are signed, there're 6 bits of magnitude. So, around 2^6 # there's "turning point" print(63) print(64) print(65) print(-63) print(-64) print(-65) # Maximum values of small ints on 32-bit platform print(1073741823) # Per python semantics, lexical integer is without a sign (i.e. positive) # and '-' is unary minus operation applied to it. That's why -1073741824 # (min two-complement's negative value) is not allowed. print(-1073741823) # Operations tests a = 0x3fffff print(a) a *= 0x10 print(a) a *= 0x10 print(a) a += 0xff print(a) # This would overflow #a += 1 a = -0x3fffff print(a) a *= 0x10 print(a) a *= 0x10 print(a) a -= 0xff print(a) # This still doesn't overflow a -= 1 print(a) # This would overflow #a -= 1