/***************************************************************************** * * spi.c - CC3000 Host Driver Implementation. * Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include "py/runtime.h" #include "pin.h" #include "led.h" #include "extint.h" #include "spi.h" #include "ccspi.h" #include "evnt_handler.h" #if 0 // print debugging info #include #define DEBUG_printf(args...) printf(args) #else // don't print debugging info #define DEBUG_printf(args...) (void)0 #endif // these need to be set to valid values before anything in this file will work STATIC SPI_HandleTypeDef *SPI_HANDLE = NULL; STATIC const pin_obj_t *PIN_CS = NULL; STATIC const pin_obj_t *PIN_EN = NULL; STATIC const pin_obj_t *PIN_IRQ = NULL; #define CS_LOW() HAL_GPIO_WritePin(PIN_CS->gpio, PIN_CS->pin_mask, GPIO_PIN_RESET) #define CS_HIGH() HAL_GPIO_WritePin(PIN_CS->gpio, PIN_CS->pin_mask, GPIO_PIN_SET) #define READ 3 #define WRITE 1 #define HI(value) (((value) & 0xFF00) >> 8) #define LO(value) ((value) & 0x00FF) #define SPI_TIMEOUT (1000) #define HEADERS_SIZE_EVNT (SPI_HEADER_SIZE + 5) /* SPI bus states */ #define eSPI_STATE_POWERUP (0) #define eSPI_STATE_INITIALIZED (1) #define eSPI_STATE_IDLE (2) #define eSPI_STATE_WRITE_IRQ (3) #define eSPI_STATE_WRITE_FIRST_PORTION (4) #define eSPI_STATE_WRITE_EOT (5) #define eSPI_STATE_READ_IRQ (6) #define eSPI_STATE_READ_FIRST_PORTION (7) #define eSPI_STATE_READ_EOT (8) // The magic number that resides at the end of the TX/RX buffer (1 byte after the allocated size) // for the purpose of detection of the overrun. The location of the memory where the magic number // resides shall never be written. In case it is written - the overrun occured and either recevie function // or send function will stuck forever. #define CC3000_BUFFER_MAGIC_NUMBER (0xDE) typedef struct { gcSpiHandleRx SPIRxHandler; unsigned short usTxPacketLength; unsigned short usRxPacketLength; unsigned long ulSpiState; unsigned char *pTxPacket; unsigned char *pRxPacket; } tSpiInformation; STATIC tSpiInformation sSpiInformation; STATIC char spi_buffer[CC3000_RX_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned char wlan_tx_buffer[CC3000_TX_BUFFER_SIZE]; STATIC const mp_obj_fun_builtin_fixed_t irq_callback_obj; // set the pins to use to communicate with the CC3000 // the arguments must be of type pin_obj_t* and SPI_HandleTypeDef* void SpiInit(void *spi, const void *pin_cs, const void *pin_en, const void *pin_irq) { SPI_HANDLE = spi; PIN_CS = pin_cs; PIN_EN = pin_en; PIN_IRQ = pin_irq; } void SpiClose(void) { if (sSpiInformation.pRxPacket) { sSpiInformation.pRxPacket = 0; } tSLInformation.WlanInterruptDisable(); //HAL_SPI_DeInit(SPI_HANDLE); } void SpiOpen(gcSpiHandleRx pfRxHandler) { DEBUG_printf("SpiOpen\n"); /* initialize SPI state */ sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_POWERUP; sSpiInformation.SPIRxHandler = pfRxHandler; sSpiInformation.usTxPacketLength = 0; sSpiInformation.pTxPacket = NULL; sSpiInformation.pRxPacket = (unsigned char *)spi_buffer; sSpiInformation.usRxPacketLength = 0; spi_buffer[CC3000_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = CC3000_BUFFER_MAGIC_NUMBER; wlan_tx_buffer[CC3000_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = CC3000_BUFFER_MAGIC_NUMBER; /* SPI configuration */ SPI_HANDLE->Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; SPI_HANDLE->Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES; SPI_HANDLE->Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT; SPI_HANDLE->Init.CLKPolarity = SPI_POLARITY_LOW; SPI_HANDLE->Init.CLKPhase = SPI_PHASE_2EDGE; SPI_HANDLE->Init.NSS = SPI_NSS_SOFT; SPI_HANDLE->Init.BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_8; SPI_HANDLE->Init.FirstBit = SPI_FIRSTBIT_MSB; SPI_HANDLE->Init.TIMode = SPI_TIMODE_DISABLED; SPI_HANDLE->Init.CRCCalculation = SPI_CRCCALCULATION_DISABLED; SPI_HANDLE->Init.CRCPolynomial = 7; spi_init(SPI_HANDLE, false); // configure wlan CS and EN pins GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST; GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = 0; GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = PIN_CS->pin_mask; HAL_GPIO_Init(PIN_CS->gpio, &GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = PIN_EN->pin_mask; HAL_GPIO_Init(PIN_EN->gpio, &GPIO_InitStructure); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(PIN_CS->gpio, PIN_CS->pin_mask, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(PIN_EN->gpio, PIN_EN->pin_mask, GPIO_PIN_RESET); /* do a dummy read, this ensures SCLK is low before actual communications start, it might be required */ CS_LOW(); uint8_t buf[1]; HAL_SPI_Receive(SPI_HANDLE, buf, sizeof(buf), SPI_TIMEOUT); CS_HIGH(); // register EXTI extint_register((mp_obj_t)PIN_IRQ, GPIO_MODE_IT_FALLING, GPIO_PULLUP, (mp_obj_t)&irq_callback_obj, true); extint_enable(PIN_IRQ->pin); DEBUG_printf("SpiOpen finished; IRQ.pin=%d IRQ_LINE=%d\n", PIN_IRQ->pin, PIN_IRQ->pin); } long ReadWlanInterruptPin(void) { return HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(PIN_IRQ->gpio, PIN_IRQ->pin_mask); } void WriteWlanPin(unsigned char val) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(PIN_EN->gpio, PIN_EN->pin_mask, (WLAN_ENABLE)? GPIO_PIN_SET:GPIO_PIN_RESET); } STATIC void SpiWriteDataSynchronous(unsigned char *data, unsigned short size) { DEBUG_printf("SpiWriteDataSynchronous(data=%p [%x %x %x %x], size=%u)\n", data, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], size); __disable_irq(); if (HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(SPI_HANDLE, data, data, size, SPI_TIMEOUT) != HAL_OK) { //BREAK(); } __enable_irq(); DEBUG_printf(" - rx data = [%x %x %x %x]\n", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]); } STATIC void SpiReadDataSynchronous(unsigned char *data, unsigned short size) { memset(data, READ, size); __disable_irq(); if (HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(SPI_HANDLE, data, data, size, SPI_TIMEOUT) != HAL_OK) { //BREAK(); } __enable_irq(); } STATIC void __delay_cycles(volatile int x) { x *= 6; // for 168 MHz CPU while (x--); } STATIC long SpiFirstWrite(unsigned char *ucBuf, unsigned short usLength) { DEBUG_printf("SpiFirstWrite %lu\n", sSpiInformation.ulSpiState); CS_LOW(); // Assuming we are running on 24 MHz ~50 micro delay is 1200 cycles; __delay_cycles(1200); // SPI writes first 4 bytes of data SpiWriteDataSynchronous(ucBuf, 4); __delay_cycles(1200); SpiWriteDataSynchronous(ucBuf + 4, usLength - 4); // From this point on - operate in a regular way sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_IDLE; CS_HIGH(); return(0); } long SpiWrite(unsigned char *pUserBuffer, unsigned short usLength) { DEBUG_printf("SpiWrite %lu\n", sSpiInformation.ulSpiState); unsigned char ucPad = 0; // Figure out the total length of the packet in order to figure out if there // is padding or not if(!(usLength & 0x0001)) { ucPad++; } pUserBuffer[0] = WRITE; pUserBuffer[1] = HI(usLength + ucPad); pUserBuffer[2] = LO(usLength + ucPad); pUserBuffer[3] = 0; pUserBuffer[4] = 0; usLength += (SPI_HEADER_SIZE + ucPad); // The magic number that resides at the end of the TX/RX buffer (1 byte after the allocated size) // for the purpose of detection of the overrun. If the magic number is overriten - buffer overrun // occurred - and we will stuck here forever! if (wlan_tx_buffer[CC3000_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] != CC3000_BUFFER_MAGIC_NUMBER) { while (1); } if (sSpiInformation.ulSpiState == eSPI_STATE_POWERUP) { while (sSpiInformation.ulSpiState != eSPI_STATE_INITIALIZED); } if (sSpiInformation.ulSpiState == eSPI_STATE_INITIALIZED) { // This is time for first TX/RX transactions over SPI: // the IRQ is down - so need to send read buffer size command SpiFirstWrite(pUserBuffer, usLength); } else { // // We need to prevent here race that can occur in case 2 back to back packets are sent to the // device, so the state will move to IDLE and once again to not IDLE due to IRQ // tSLInformation.WlanInterruptDisable(); while (sSpiInformation.ulSpiState != eSPI_STATE_IDLE); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_WRITE_IRQ; sSpiInformation.pTxPacket = pUserBuffer; sSpiInformation.usTxPacketLength = usLength; // Assert the CS line and wait till SSI IRQ line is active and then initialize write operation CS_LOW(); // Re-enable IRQ - if it was not disabled - this is not a problem... tSLInformation.WlanInterruptEnable(); // check for a missing interrupt between the CS assertion and enabling back the interrupts if (tSLInformation.ReadWlanInterruptPin() == 0) { SpiWriteDataSynchronous(sSpiInformation.pTxPacket, sSpiInformation.usTxPacketLength); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_IDLE; CS_HIGH(); } } // Due to the fact that we are currently implementing a blocking situation // here we will wait till end of transaction while (eSPI_STATE_IDLE != sSpiInformation.ulSpiState); return(0); } #if 0 unused STATIC void SpiReadPacket(void) { int length; /* read SPI header */ SpiReadDataSynchronous(sSpiInformation.pRxPacket, SPI_HEADER_SIZE); /* parse data length */ STREAM_TO_UINT8(sSpiInformation.pRxPacket, SPI_HEADER_SIZE-1, length); /* read the remainder of the packet */ SpiReadDataSynchronous(sSpiInformation.pRxPacket + SPI_HEADER_SIZE, length); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_READ_EOT; } #endif STATIC void SpiReadHeader(void) { SpiReadDataSynchronous(sSpiInformation.pRxPacket, 10); } STATIC void SpiTriggerRxProcessing(void) { SpiPauseSpi(); CS_HIGH(); // The magic number that resides at the end of the TX/RX buffer (1 byte after the allocated size) // for the purpose of detection of the overrun. If the magic number is overriten - buffer overrun // occurred - and we will stuck here forever! if (sSpiInformation.pRxPacket[CC3000_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] != CC3000_BUFFER_MAGIC_NUMBER) { while (1); } sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_IDLE; sSpiInformation.SPIRxHandler(sSpiInformation.pRxPacket + SPI_HEADER_SIZE); } STATIC long SpiReadDataCont(void) { long data_to_recv=0; unsigned char *evnt_buff, type; //determine what type of packet we have evnt_buff = sSpiInformation.pRxPacket; STREAM_TO_UINT8((char *)(evnt_buff + SPI_HEADER_SIZE), HCI_PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET, type); switch (type) { case HCI_TYPE_DATA:{ // We need to read the rest of data.. STREAM_TO_UINT16((char *)(evnt_buff + SPI_HEADER_SIZE), HCI_DATA_LENGTH_OFFSET, data_to_recv); if (!((HEADERS_SIZE_EVNT + data_to_recv) & 1)) { data_to_recv++; } if (data_to_recv) { SpiReadDataSynchronous(evnt_buff + 10, data_to_recv); } break; } case HCI_TYPE_EVNT: { // Calculate the rest length of the data STREAM_TO_UINT8((char *)(evnt_buff + SPI_HEADER_SIZE), HCI_EVENT_LENGTH_OFFSET, data_to_recv); data_to_recv -= 1; // Add padding byte if needed if ((HEADERS_SIZE_EVNT + data_to_recv) & 1) { data_to_recv++; } if (data_to_recv) { SpiReadDataSynchronous(evnt_buff + 10, data_to_recv); } sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_READ_EOT; break; } } return 0; } STATIC void SSIContReadOperation(void) { // The header was read - continue with the payload read if (!SpiReadDataCont()) { /* All the data was read - finalize handling by switching to the task and calling from task Event Handler */ SpiTriggerRxProcessing(); } } STATIC mp_obj_t irq_callback(mp_obj_t line) { DEBUG_printf("<< IRQ; state=%lu >>\n", sSpiInformation.ulSpiState); switch (sSpiInformation.ulSpiState) { case eSPI_STATE_POWERUP: /* This means IRQ line was low call a callback of HCI Layer to inform on event */ DEBUG_printf(" - POWERUP\n"); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_INITIALIZED; break; case eSPI_STATE_IDLE: DEBUG_printf(" - IDLE\n"); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_READ_IRQ; /* IRQ line goes down - we are start reception */ CS_LOW(); // Wait for TX/RX Compete which will come as DMA interrupt SpiReadHeader(); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_READ_EOT; SSIContReadOperation(); break; case eSPI_STATE_WRITE_IRQ: DEBUG_printf(" - WRITE IRQ\n"); SpiWriteDataSynchronous(sSpiInformation.pTxPacket, sSpiInformation.usTxPacketLength); sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_IDLE; CS_HIGH(); break; } return mp_const_none; } STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(irq_callback_obj, irq_callback); void SpiPauseSpi(void) { DEBUG_printf("SpiPauseSpi\n"); extint_disable(PIN_IRQ->pin); } void SpiResumeSpi(void) { DEBUG_printf("SpiResumeSpi\n"); extint_enable(PIN_IRQ->pin); }