# Test that tasks return their value correctly to the caller try: import uasyncio as asyncio except ImportError: try: import asyncio except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit def custom_handler(loop, context): print("custom_handler", repr(context["exception"])) async def task(i): # Raise with 2 args so exception prints the same in uPy and CPython raise ValueError(i, i + 1) async def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Check default exception handler, should be None print(loop.get_exception_handler()) # Set exception handler and test it was set loop.set_exception_handler(custom_handler) print(loop.get_exception_handler() == custom_handler) # Create a task that raises and uses the custom exception handler asyncio.create_task(task(0)) print("sleep") await asyncio.sleep(0) # Create 2 tasks to test order of printing exception asyncio.create_task(task(1)) asyncio.create_task(task(2)) print("sleep") await asyncio.sleep(0) print("done") asyncio.run(main())