################################################################################ # Initial setup of Makefile environment. # Select the variant to build for: ifdef VARIANT_DIR # Custom variant path - remove trailing slash and get the final component of # the path as the variant name. VARIANT ?= $(notdir $(VARIANT_DIR:/=)) else # If not given on the command line, then default to standard. VARIANT ?= standard VARIANT_DIR ?= variants/$(VARIANT) endif ifeq ($(wildcard $(VARIANT_DIR)/.),) $(error Invalid VARIANT specified: $(VARIANT_DIR)) endif # If the build directory is not given, make it reflect the variant name. BUILD ?= build-$(VARIANT) include ../../py/mkenv.mk include $(VARIANT_DIR)/mpconfigvariant.mk # Qstr definitions (must come before including py.mk). QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h # Include py core make definitions. include $(TOP)/py/py.mk include $(TOP)/extmod/extmod.mk ################################################################################ # Project specific settings and compiler/linker flags. CC = emcc LD = emcc NODE ?= node TERSER ?= npx terser INC += -I. INC += -I$(TOP) INC += -I$(BUILD) INC += -I$(VARIANT_DIR) CFLAGS += -std=c99 -Wall -Werror -Wdouble-promotion -Wfloat-conversion CFLAGS += -Os -DNDEBUG CFLAGS += $(INC) EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS_EXTRA += ,\ _mp_js_do_exec,\ _mp_js_do_exec_async,\ _mp_js_do_import,\ _mp_js_register_js_module,\ _proxy_c_init,\ _proxy_c_to_js_call,\ _proxy_c_to_js_delete_attr,\ _proxy_c_to_js_dir,\ _proxy_c_to_js_get_array,\ _proxy_c_to_js_get_dict,\ _proxy_c_to_js_get_type,\ _proxy_c_to_js_has_attr,\ _proxy_c_to_js_lookup_attr,\ _proxy_c_to_js_resume,\ _proxy_c_to_js_store_attr,\ _proxy_convert_mp_to_js_obj_cside EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS_EXTRA += ,\ PATH,\ PATH_FS,\ UTF8ToString,\ getValue,\ lengthBytesUTF8,\ setValue,\ stringToUTF8 JSFLAGS += -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="\ _free,\ _malloc,\ _mp_js_init,\ _mp_js_repl_init,\ _mp_js_repl_process_char,\ _mp_hal_get_interrupt_char,\ _mp_sched_keyboard_interrupt$(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS_EXTRA)" JSFLAGS += -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS="\ ccall,\ cwrap,\ FS$(EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS_EXTRA)" JSFLAGS += --js-library library.js JSFLAGS += -s SUPPORT_LONGJMP=emscripten JSFLAGS += -s MODULARIZE -s EXPORT_NAME=_createMicroPythonModule ################################################################################ # Source files and libraries. SRC_SHARED = $(addprefix shared/,\ runtime/interrupt_char.c \ runtime/stdout_helpers.c \ runtime/pyexec.c \ readline/readline.c \ timeutils/timeutils.c \ ) SRC_C += \ lexer_dedent.c \ main.c \ modjs.c \ modjsffi.c \ mphalport.c \ objjsproxy.c \ proxy_c.c \ # List of sources for qstr extraction. SRC_QSTR += $(SRC_C) $(SRC_SHARED) SRC_JS += \ api.js \ objpyproxy.js \ proxy_js.js \ OBJ += $(PY_O) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_SHARED:.c=.o)) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o)) ################################################################################ # Main targets. .PHONY: all repl min test test_min all: $(BUILD)/micropython.mjs $(BUILD)/micropython.mjs: $(OBJ) library.js $(SRC_JS) $(ECHO) "LINK $@" $(Q)emcc $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(JSFLAGS) $(Q)cat $(SRC_JS) >> $@ $(BUILD)/micropython.min.mjs: $(BUILD)/micropython.mjs $(TERSER) $< --compress --module -o $@ repl: $(BUILD)/micropython.mjs $(NODE) $< min: $(BUILD)/micropython.min.mjs test: $(BUILD)/micropython.mjs $(TOP)/tests/run-tests.py cd $(TOP)/tests && MICROPY_MICROPYTHON_MJS=../ports/webassembly/$< ./run-tests.py --target webassembly test_min: $(BUILD)/micropython.min.mjs $(TOP)/tests/run-tests.py cd $(TOP)/tests && MICROPY_MICROPYTHON_MJS=../ports/webassembly/$< ./run-tests.py --target webassembly ################################################################################ # Remaining make rules. include $(TOP)/py/mkrules.mk