#!/usr/bin/env python """ pyboard interface This module provides the Pyboard class, used to communicate with and control the pyboard over a serial USB connection. Example usage: import pyboard pyb = pyboard.Pyboard('/dev/ttyACM0') Or: pyb = pyboard.Pyboard('') Then: pyb.enter_raw_repl() pyb.exec('pyb.LED(1).on()') pyb.exit_raw_repl() To run a script from the local machine on the board and print out the results: import pyboard pyboard.execfile('test.py', device='/dev/ttyACM0') This script can also be run directly. To execute a local script, use: ./pyboard.py test.py Or: python pyboard.py test.py """ import sys import time def stdout_write_bytes(b): sys.stdout.buffer.write(b) sys.stdout.buffer.flush() class PyboardError(BaseException): pass class TelnetToSerial: def __init__(self, ip, user, password, read_timeout=None): import telnetlib self.tn = telnetlib.Telnet(ip, timeout=15) self.read_timeout = read_timeout if b'Login as:' in self.tn.read_until(b'Login as:', timeout=read_timeout): self.tn.write(bytes(user, 'ascii') + b"\r\n") if b'Password:' in self.tn.read_until(b'Password:', timeout=read_timeout): # needed because of internal implementation details of the telnet server time.sleep(0.2) self.tn.write(bytes(password, 'ascii') + b"\r\n") if b'for more information.' in self.tn.read_until(b'Type "help()" for more information.', timeout=read_timeout): # login succesful from collections import deque self.fifo = deque() return raise PyboardError('Failed to establish a telnet connection with the board') def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): try: self.tn.close() except: # the telnet object might not exist yet, so ignore this one pass def read(self, size=1): while len(self.fifo) < size: timeout_count = 0 data = self.tn.read_eager() if len(data): self.fifo.extend(data) timeout_count = 0 else: time.sleep(0.25) if self.read_timeout is not None and timeout_count > 4 * self.read_timeout: break timeout_count += 1 data = b'' while len(data) < size and len(self.fifo) > 0: data += bytes([self.fifo.popleft()]) return data def write(self, data): self.tn.write(data) return len(data) def inWaiting(self): n_waiting = len(self.fifo) if not n_waiting: data = self.tn.read_eager() self.fifo.extend(data) return len(data) else: return n_waiting class Pyboard: def __init__(self, device, baudrate=115200, user='micro', password='python'): if device and device[0].isdigit() and device[-1].isdigit() and device.count('.') == 3: # device looks like an IP address self.serial = TelnetToSerial(device, user, password, read_timeout=10) else: import serial self.serial = serial.Serial(device, baudrate=baudrate, interCharTimeout=1) def close(self): self.serial.close() def read_until(self, min_num_bytes, ending, timeout=10, data_consumer=None): data = self.serial.read(min_num_bytes) if data_consumer: data_consumer(data) timeout_count = 0 while True: if data.endswith(ending): break elif self.serial.inWaiting() > 0: new_data = self.serial.read(1) data = data + new_data if data_consumer: data_consumer(new_data) #time.sleep(0.01) timeout_count = 0 else: timeout_count += 1 if timeout is not None and timeout_count >= 10 * timeout: break time.sleep(0.01) return data def enter_raw_repl(self): self.serial.write(b'\r\x03\x03') # ctrl-C twice: interrupt any running program # flush input (without relying on serial.flushInput()) n = self.serial.inWaiting() while n > 0: self.serial.read(n) n = self.serial.inWaiting() self.serial.write(b'\r\x01') # ctrl-A: enter raw REPL data = self.read_until(1, b'raw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>') if not data.endswith(b'raw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>'): print(data) raise PyboardError('could not enter raw repl') self.serial.write(b'\x04') # ctrl-D: soft reset data = self.read_until(1, b'soft reboot\r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n') if not data.endswith(b'soft reboot\r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n'): print(data) raise PyboardError('could not enter raw repl') def exit_raw_repl(self): self.serial.write(b'\r\x02') # ctrl-B: enter friendly REPL def follow(self, timeout, data_consumer=None): # wait for normal output data = self.read_until(1, b'\x04', timeout=timeout, data_consumer=data_consumer) if not data.endswith(b'\x04'): raise PyboardError('timeout waiting for first EOF reception') data = data[:-1] # wait for error output data_err = self.read_until(1, b'\x04', timeout=timeout) if not data_err.endswith(b'\x04'): raise PyboardError('timeout waiting for second EOF reception') data_err = data_err[:-1] # return normal and error output return data, data_err def exec_raw_no_follow(self, command): if isinstance(command, bytes): command_bytes = command else: command_bytes = bytes(command, encoding='utf8') # check we have a prompt data = self.read_until(1, b'>') if not data.endswith(b'>'): raise PyboardError('could not enter raw repl') # write command for i in range(0, len(command_bytes), 256): self.serial.write(command_bytes[i:min(i + 256, len(command_bytes))]) time.sleep(0.01) self.serial.write(b'\x04') # check if we could exec command data = self.serial.read(2) if data != b'OK': raise PyboardError('could not exec command') def exec_raw(self, command, timeout=10, data_consumer=None): self.exec_raw_no_follow(command); return self.follow(timeout, data_consumer) def eval(self, expression): ret = self.exec('print({})'.format(expression)) ret = ret.strip() return ret def exec(self, command): ret, ret_err = self.exec_raw(command) if ret_err: raise PyboardError('exception', ret, ret_err) return ret def execfile(self, filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: pyfile = f.read() return self.exec(pyfile) def get_time(self): t = str(self.eval('pyb.RTC().datetime()'), encoding='utf8')[1:-1].split(', ') return int(t[4]) * 3600 + int(t[5]) * 60 + int(t[6]) def execfile(filename, device='/dev/ttyACM0', baudrate=115200, user='micro', password='python'): pyb = Pyboard(device, baudrate, user, password) pyb.enter_raw_repl() output = pyb.execfile(filename) stdout_write_bytes(output) pyb.exit_raw_repl() pyb.close() def main(): import argparse cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run scripts on the pyboard.') cmd_parser.add_argument('--device', default='/dev/ttyACM0', help='the serial device or the IP address of the pyboard') cmd_parser.add_argument('-b', '--baudrate', default=115200, help='the baud rate of the serial device') cmd_parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default='micro', help='the telnet login username') cmd_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='python', help='the telnet login password') cmd_parser.add_argument('--follow', action='store_true', help='follow the output after running the scripts [default if no scripts given]') cmd_parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='input files') args = cmd_parser.parse_args() for filename in args.files: try: pyb = Pyboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password) pyb.enter_raw_repl() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: pyfile = f.read() ret, ret_err = pyb.exec_raw(pyfile, timeout=None, data_consumer=stdout_write_bytes) pyb.exit_raw_repl() pyb.close() except PyboardError as er: print(er) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) if ret_err: stdout_write_bytes(ret_err) sys.exit(1) if args.follow or len(args.files) == 0: try: pyb = Pyboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password) ret, ret_err = pyb.follow(timeout=None, data_consumer=stdout_write_bytes) pyb.close() except PyboardError as er: print(er) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) if ret_err: stdout_write_bytes(ret_err) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()