""" Process raw qstr file and output qstr data with length, hash and data bytes. This script works with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4. """ from __future__ import print_function import re import sys # Python 2/3 compatibility: # - iterating through bytes is different # - codepoint2name lives in a different module import platform if platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == "2": bytes_cons = lambda val, enc=None: bytearray(val) from htmlentitydefs import codepoint2name elif platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == "3": bytes_cons = bytes from html.entities import codepoint2name # end compatibility code codepoint2name[ord("-")] = "hyphen" # add some custom names to map characters that aren't in HTML codepoint2name[ord(" ")] = "space" codepoint2name[ord("'")] = "squot" codepoint2name[ord(",")] = "comma" codepoint2name[ord(".")] = "dot" codepoint2name[ord(":")] = "colon" codepoint2name[ord(";")] = "semicolon" codepoint2name[ord("/")] = "slash" codepoint2name[ord("%")] = "percent" codepoint2name[ord("#")] = "hash" codepoint2name[ord("(")] = "paren_open" codepoint2name[ord(")")] = "paren_close" codepoint2name[ord("[")] = "bracket_open" codepoint2name[ord("]")] = "bracket_close" codepoint2name[ord("{")] = "brace_open" codepoint2name[ord("}")] = "brace_close" codepoint2name[ord("*")] = "star" codepoint2name[ord("!")] = "bang" codepoint2name[ord("\\")] = "backslash" codepoint2name[ord("+")] = "plus" codepoint2name[ord("$")] = "dollar" codepoint2name[ord("=")] = "equals" codepoint2name[ord("?")] = "question" codepoint2name[ord("@")] = "at_sign" codepoint2name[ord("^")] = "caret" codepoint2name[ord("|")] = "pipe" codepoint2name[ord("~")] = "tilde" # static qstrs, these must maintain a specific order for .mpy compatibility # See QSTR_LAST_STATIC at the top of py/persistentcode.c static_qstr_list = [ "", "__dir__", # Put __dir__ after empty qstr for builtin dir() to work "\n", " ", "*", "/", "", "_", "__call__", "__class__", "__delitem__", "__enter__", "__exit__", "__getattr__", "__getitem__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__int__", "__iter__", "__len__", "__main__", "__module__", "__name__", "__new__", "__next__", "__qualname__", "__repr__", "__setitem__", "__str__", "ArithmeticError", "AssertionError", "AttributeError", "BaseException", "EOFError", "Ellipsis", "Exception", "GeneratorExit", "ImportError", "IndentationError", "IndexError", "KeyError", "KeyboardInterrupt", "LookupError", "MemoryError", "NameError", "NoneType", "NotImplementedError", "OSError", "OverflowError", "RuntimeError", "StopIteration", "SyntaxError", "SystemExit", "TypeError", "ValueError", "ZeroDivisionError", "abs", "all", "any", "append", "args", "bool", "builtins", "bytearray", "bytecode", "bytes", "callable", "chr", "classmethod", "clear", "close", "const", "copy", "count", "dict", "dir", "divmod", "end", "endswith", "eval", "exec", "extend", "find", "format", "from_bytes", "get", "getattr", "globals", "hasattr", "hash", "id", "index", "insert", "int", "isalpha", "isdigit", "isinstance", "islower", "isspace", "issubclass", "isupper", "items", "iter", "join", "key", "keys", "len", "list", "little", "locals", "lower", "lstrip", "main", "map", "micropython", "next", "object", "open", "ord", "pop", "popitem", "pow", "print", "range", "read", "readinto", "readline", "remove", "replace", "repr", "reverse", "rfind", "rindex", "round", "rsplit", "rstrip", "self", "send", "sep", "set", "setattr", "setdefault", "sort", "sorted", "split", "start", "startswith", "staticmethod", "step", "stop", "str", "strip", "sum", "super", "throw", "to_bytes", "tuple", "type", "update", "upper", "utf-8", "value", "values", "write", "zip", ] # Additional QSTRs that must have index <255 because they are stored in # `mp_binary_op_method_name` and `mp_unary_op_method_name` (see py/objtype.c). # These are not part of the .mpy compatibility list, but we place them in the # fixed unsorted pool (i.e. QDEF0) to ensure their indices are small. operator_qstr_list = { "__bool__", "__pos__", "__neg__", "__invert__", "__abs__", "__float__", "__complex__", "__sizeof__", "__lt__", "__gt__", "__eq__", "__le__", "__ge__", "__ne__", "__contains__", "__iadd__", "__isub__", "__imul__", "__imatmul__", "__ifloordiv__", "__itruediv__", "__imod__", "__ipow__", "__ior__", "__ixor__", "__iand__", "__ilshift__", "__irshift__", "__add__", "__sub__", "__mul__", "__matmul__", "__floordiv__", "__truediv__", "__mod__", "__divmod__", "__pow__", "__or__", "__xor__", "__and__", "__lshift__", "__rshift__", "__radd__", "__rsub__", "__rmul__", "__rmatmul__", "__rfloordiv__", "__rtruediv__", "__rmod__", "__rpow__", "__ror__", "__rxor__", "__rand__", "__rlshift__", "__rrshift__", "__get__", "__set__", "__delete__", } # this must match the equivalent function in qstr.c def compute_hash(qstr, bytes_hash): hash = 5381 for b in qstr: hash = (hash * 33) ^ b # Make sure that valid hash is never zero, zero means "hash not computed" # if bytes_hash is zero, assume a 16-bit mask (to match qstr.c) return (hash & ((1 << (8 * (bytes_hash or 2))) - 1)) or 1 def qstr_escape(qst): def esc_char(m): c = ord(m.group(0)) try: name = codepoint2name[c] except KeyError: name = "0x%02x" % c return "_" + name + "_" return re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_]", esc_char, qst) static_qstr_list_ident = list(map(qstr_escape, static_qstr_list)) def parse_input_headers(infiles): qcfgs = {} qstrs = {} # read the qstrs in from the input files for infile in infiles: with open(infile, "rt") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() # is this a config line? match = re.match(r"^QCFG\((.+), (.+)\)", line) if match: value = match.group(2) if value[0] == "(" and value[-1] == ")": # strip parenthesis from config value value = value[1:-1] qcfgs[match.group(1)] = value continue # is this a QSTR line? match = re.match(r"^Q\((.*)\)$", line) if not match: continue # get the qstr value qstr = match.group(1) # special cases to specify control characters if qstr == "\\n": qstr = "\n" elif qstr == "\\r\\n": qstr = "\r\n" # work out the corresponding qstr name ident = qstr_escape(qstr) # don't add duplicates if ident in static_qstr_list_ident: continue if ident in qstrs: continue qstrs[ident] = (ident, qstr) if not qcfgs: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Empty preprocessor output - check for errors above\n") sys.exit(1) return qcfgs, qstrs def escape_bytes(qstr, qbytes): if all(32 <= ord(c) <= 126 and c != "\\" and c != '"' for c in qstr): # qstr is all printable ASCII so render it as-is (for easier debugging) return qstr else: # qstr contains non-printable codes so render entire thing as hex pairs return "".join(("\\x%02x" % b) for b in qbytes) def make_bytes(cfg_bytes_len, cfg_bytes_hash, qstr): qbytes = bytes_cons(qstr, "utf8") qlen = len(qbytes) qhash = compute_hash(qbytes, cfg_bytes_hash) if qlen >= (1 << (8 * cfg_bytes_len)): print("qstr is too long:", qstr) assert False qdata = escape_bytes(qstr, qbytes) return '%d, %d, "%s"' % (qhash, qlen, qdata) def print_qstr_data(qcfgs, qstrs): # get config variables cfg_bytes_len = int(qcfgs["BYTES_IN_LEN"]) cfg_bytes_hash = int(qcfgs["BYTES_IN_HASH"]) # print out the starter of the generated C header file print("// This file was automatically generated by makeqstrdata.py") print("") # add NULL qstr with no hash or data print('QDEF0(MP_QSTRnull, 0, 0, "")') # add static qstrs to the first unsorted pool for qstr in static_qstr_list: qbytes = make_bytes(cfg_bytes_len, cfg_bytes_hash, qstr) print("QDEF0(MP_QSTR_%s, %s)" % (qstr_escape(qstr), qbytes)) # add remaining qstrs to the sorted (by value) pool (unless they're in # operator_qstr_list, in which case add them to the unsorted pool) for ident, qstr in sorted(qstrs.values(), key=lambda x: x[1]): qbytes = make_bytes(cfg_bytes_len, cfg_bytes_hash, qstr) pool = 0 if qstr in operator_qstr_list else 1 print("QDEF%d(MP_QSTR_%s, %s)" % (pool, ident, qbytes)) def do_work(infiles): qcfgs, qstrs = parse_input_headers(infiles) print_qstr_data(qcfgs, qstrs) if __name__ == "__main__": do_work(sys.argv[1:])