include ../py/ CROSS = 0 # qstr definitions (must come before including QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h # include py core make definitions include ../py/ ifeq ($(CROSS), 1) CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-eabi- endif INC += -I. INC += -I.. INC += -I../lib/mp-readline INC += -I../stmhal INC += -I$(BUILD) ifeq ($(CROSS), 1) CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4 = -mthumb -mtune=cortex-m4 -mabi=aapcs-linux -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -fsingle-precision-constant -Wdouble-promotion CFLAGS = $(INC) -Wall -Werror -ansi -std=gnu99 -nostdlib $(CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4) $(COPT) else CFLAGS = -m32 $(INC) -Wall -Werror -ansi -std=gnu99 $(COPT) endif #Debugging/Optimization ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) CFLAGS += -O0 -ggdb else CFLAGS += -Os -DNDEBUG endif ifeq ($(CROSS), 1) LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -T stm32f405.ld -Map=$ --cref else LD = gcc LDFLAGS = -m32 -Wl,-Map=$,--cref endif LIBS = SRC_C = \ main.c \ uart_core.c \ uart_extra.c \ stmhal/printf.c \ stmhal/pyexec.c \ lib/libc/string0.c \ lib/mp-readline/readline.c \ SRC_S = \ # startup_stm32f40xx.s \ gchelper.s \ OBJ = $(PY_O) $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o) $(SRC_S:.s=.o)) all: $(BUILD)/firmware.elf $(BUILD)/firmware.elf: $(OBJ) $(ECHO) "LINK $@" $(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(Q)$(SIZE) $@ # Run emulation build on a POSIX system with suitable terminal settings run: stty raw opost -echo build/firmware.elf @echo Resetting terminal... # This sleep is useful to spot segfaults sleep 1 reset test: $(BUILD)/firmware.elf $(Q)/bin/echo -e "print('hello world!', list(x+1 for x in range(10)), end='eol\\\\n')\\r\\n\\x04" | $(BUILD)/firmware.elf | tail -n2 | grep "^hello world! \\[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\\]eol" include ../py/