# Test custom pollable objects implemented in Python. from micropython import const try: import socket, select, io except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit _MP_STREAM_POLL = const(3) _MP_STREAM_GET_FILENO = const(10) _MP_STREAM_POLL_RD = const(0x0001) _MP_STREAM_POLL_WR = const(0x0004) def print_poll_output(lst): print([(type(obj), flags) for obj, flags in lst]) class CustomPollable(io.IOBase): def __init__(self): self.poll_state = 0 def ioctl(self, cmd, arg): if cmd == _MP_STREAM_GET_FILENO: # Bare-metal ports don't call this ioctl, so don't print it. return -1 print("CustomPollable.ioctl", cmd, arg) if cmd == _MP_STREAM_POLL: if self.poll_state == "delay_rd": self.poll_state = _MP_STREAM_POLL_RD return 0 elif self.poll_state < 0: return self.poll_state else: return self.poll_state & arg poller = select.poll() # Use a new UDP socket for tests, which should be writable but not readable. try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind(socket.getaddrinfo("", 8000)[0][-1]) except OSError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit x = CustomPollable() # Register both a file-descriptor-based object and a custom pure-Python object. poller.register(s) poller.register(x) # Modify the flags for the custom object. poller.modify(x, select.POLLIN) # Test polling. print_poll_output(poller.poll(0)) x.poll_state = _MP_STREAM_POLL_WR print_poll_output(poller.poll(0)) x.poll_state = _MP_STREAM_POLL_RD print_poll_output(poller.poll(0)) # The custom object becomes readable only after being polled. poller.modify(s, select.POLLIN) x.poll_state = "delay_rd" print_poll_output(poller.poll()) # The custom object returns an error. x.poll_state = -1000 try: poller.poll(0) except OSError as er: print("OSError", er.errno) poller.unregister(x) poller.unregister(s) s.close()