:mod:`uhashlib` -- hashing algorithm ==================================== .. module:: uhashlib :synopsis: hashing algorithm This module implements binary data hashing algorithms. Currently, it implements SHA256 algorithm. Choosing SHA256 was a deliberate choice, as a modern, cryptographically secure algorithm. This means that a single algorithm can cover both usecases of "any hash algorithm" and security-related usage, and thus save space omitting legacy algorithms like MD5 or SHA1. Constructors ------------ .. class:: uhashlib.sha256([data]) Create a hasher object and optionally feed ``data`` into it. Methods ------- .. method:: sha256.update(data) Feed more binary data into hash. .. method:: sha256.digest() Return hash for all data passed thru hash, as a bytes object. After this method is called, more data cannot be fed into hash any longer. .. method:: sha256.hexdigest() This method is NOT implemented. Use ``ubinascii.hexlify(sha256.digest())`` to achieve similar effect.