# Example of using PIO for PWM, and fading the brightness of an LED from machine import Pin from rp2 import PIO, StateMachine, asm_pio from time import sleep @asm_pio(sideset_init=PIO.OUT_LOW) def pwm_prog(): # fmt: off pull(noblock) .side(0) mov(x, osr) # Keep most recent pull data stashed in X, for recycling by noblock mov(y, isr) # ISR must be preloaded with PWM count max label("pwmloop") jmp(x_not_y, "skip") nop() .side(1) label("skip") jmp(y_dec, "pwmloop") # fmt: on class PIOPWM: def __init__(self, sm_id, pin, max_count, count_freq): self._sm = StateMachine(sm_id, pwm_prog, freq=2 * count_freq, sideset_base=Pin(pin)) # Use exec() to load max count into ISR self._sm.put(max_count) self._sm.exec("pull()") self._sm.exec("mov(isr, osr)") self._sm.active(1) self._max_count = max_count def set(self, value): # Minimum value is -1 (completely turn off), 0 actually still produces narrow pulse value = max(value, -1) value = min(value, self._max_count) self._sm.put(value) # Pin 25 is LED on Pico boards pwm = PIOPWM(0, 25, max_count=(1 << 16) - 1, count_freq=10_000_000) while True: for i in range(256): pwm.set(i**2) sleep(0.01)