### STM32 via ST-Link Nucleo and Discovery boards typically include a built-in ST-Link programmer. A `.bin` or `.hex` file can be flashed using [st-flash](https://github.com/stlink-org/stlink). ```bash # Optional erase to clear existing filesystem. st-flash erase # Flash .bin st-flash write firmware.bin 0x08000000 # or, flash .hex st-flash --format ihex write firmware.hex ``` A `.hex` file can be flashed using [STM32 Cube Programmer](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html). ```bash STM32_Programmer.sh -c port=SWD -d firmware.hex -hardRst ``` ### STM32 via DFU Boards with USB support can also be programmed via the ST DFU bootloader, using e.g. [dfu-util](http://dfu-util.sourceforge.net/) or [pydfu.py](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/tools/pydfu.py). To enter the bootloader the `BOOT0` pin can be connected to `VCC` during reset, or you can use `machine.bootloader()` from the MicroPython REPL. ```bash dfu-util --alt 0 -D firmware.dfu ```