# Test BLE GAP advertising and scanning from micropython import const import time, machine, bluetooth _IRQ_SCAN_RESULT = const(5) _IRQ_SCAN_DONE = const(6) ADV_TIME_S = 3 def instance0(): multitest.globals(BDADDR=ble.config("mac")) multitest.next() print("gap_advertise(100_000, connectable=False)") ble.gap_advertise(100_000, b"\x02\x01\x06\x04\xffMPY", connectable=False) time.sleep(ADV_TIME_S) print("gap_advertise(20_000, connectable=True)") ble.gap_advertise(20_000, b"\x02\x01\x06\x04\xffMPY", connectable=True) time.sleep(ADV_TIME_S) print("gap_advertise(None)") ble.gap_advertise(None) ble.active(0) def instance1(): multitest.next() finished = False adv_types = set() adv_data = None def irq(ev, data): nonlocal finished, adv_types, adv_data if ev == _IRQ_SCAN_RESULT: if data[0] == BDADDR[0] and data[1] == BDADDR[1]: adv_types.add(data[2]) if adv_data is None: adv_data = bytes(data[4]) else: if adv_data != data[4]: adv_data = b"MISMATCH" elif ev == _IRQ_SCAN_DONE: finished = True try: ble.config(rxbuf=2000) except: pass ble.irq(irq) ble.gap_scan(2 * ADV_TIME_S * 1000, 10000, 10000) while not finished: machine.idle() ble.active(0) print("adv_types:", sorted(adv_types)) print("adv_data:", adv_data) ble = bluetooth.BLE() ble.active(1)