# # MicroPython http_server_simplistic.py example # # This example shows how to write the smallest possible HTTP # server in MicroPython. With comments and convenience code # removed, this example can be compressed literally to ten # lines. There's a catch though - read comments below for # details, and use this code only for quick hacks, preferring # http_server.py for "real thing". # try: import usocket as socket except: import socket CONTENT = b"""\ HTTP/1.0 200 OK Hello #%d from MicroPython! """ def main(): s = socket.socket() # Bind to (allow to be connected on ) all interfaces. This means # this server will be accessible to other hosts on your local # network, and if your server has direct (non-firewalled) connection # to the Internet, then to anyone on the Internet. We bind to all # interfaces to let this example work easily on embedded MicroPython # targets, which you will likely access from another machine on your # local network. Take care when running this on an Internet-connected # machine though! Replace "" with "" if in doubt, to # make the server accessible only on the machine it runs on. ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080) print("Bind address info:", ai) addr = ai[0][-1] # A port on which a socket listened remains inactive during some time. # This means that if you run this sample, terminate it, and run again # you will likely get an error. To avoid this timeout, set SO_REUSEADDR # socket option. s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(addr) s.listen(5) print("Listening, connect your browser to http://:8080/") counter = 0 while True: res = s.accept() client_s = res[0] client_addr = res[1] print("Client address:", client_addr) print("Client socket:", client_s) # We assume here that .recv() call will read entire HTTP request # from client. This is usually true, at least on "big OS" systems # like Linux/MacOS/Windows. But that doesn't have to be true in # all cases, in particular on embedded systems, when there can # easily be "short recv", where it returns much less than requested # data size. That's why this example is called "simplistic" - it # shows that writing a web server in Python that *usually works* is # ten lines of code, and you can use this technique for quick hacks # and experimentation. But don't do it like that in production # applications - instead, parse HTTP request properly, as shown # by http_server.py example. req = client_s.recv(4096) print("Request:") print(req) client_s.send(CONTENT % counter) client_s.close() counter += 1 print() main()