try: try: import uio as io import usys as sys except ImportError: import io import sys except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit if hasattr(sys, "print_exception"): print_exception = sys.print_exception else: import traceback print_exception = lambda e, f: traceback.print_exception(None, e, sys.exc_info()[2], file=f) def print_exc(e): buf = io.StringIO() print_exception(e, buf) s = buf.getvalue() for l in s.split("\n"): # uPy on pyboard prints as file, so remove filename. if l.startswith(" File "): l = l.split('"') print(l[0], l[2]) # uPy and CPy tracebacks differ in that CPy prints a source line for # each traceback entry. In this case, we know that offending line # has 4-space indent, so filter it out. elif not l.startswith(" "): print(l) # basic exception message try: raise Exception("msg") except Exception as e: print("caught") print_exc(e) # exception message with more than 1 source-code line def f(): g() def g(): raise Exception("fail") try: f() except Exception as e: print("caught") print_exc(e) # Test that an exception propagated through a finally doesn't have a traceback added there try: try: f() finally: print("finally") except Exception as e: print("caught") print_exc(e) # Test that re-raising an exception doesn't add traceback info try: try: f() except Exception as e: print("reraise") print_exc(e) raise except Exception as e: print("caught") print_exc(e) # Here we have a function with lots of bytecode generated for a single source-line, and # there is an error right at the end of the bytecode. It should report the correct line. def f(): f([1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2], {1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 1, 1: f.X}) return 1 try: f() except Exception as e: print_exc(e) # Test non-stream object passed as output object, only valid for uPy if hasattr(sys, "print_exception"): try: sys.print_exception(Exception, 1) had_exception = False except OSError: had_exception = True assert had_exception