# Example using PIO to create a UART TX interface # ruff: noqa: F821 - @asm_pio decorator adds names to function scope from machine import Pin from rp2 import PIO, StateMachine, asm_pio UART_BAUD = 115200 PIN_BASE = 10 NUM_UARTS = 8 @asm_pio(sideset_init=PIO.OUT_HIGH, out_init=PIO.OUT_HIGH, out_shiftdir=PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT) def uart_tx(): # fmt: off # Block with TX deasserted until data available pull() # Initialise bit counter, assert start bit for 8 cycles set(x, 7) .side(0) [7] # Shift out 8 data bits, 8 execution cycles per bit label("bitloop") out(pins, 1) [6] jmp(x_dec, "bitloop") # Assert stop bit for 8 cycles total (incl 1 for pull()) nop() .side(1) [6] # fmt: on # Now we add 8 UART TXs, on pins 10 to 17. Use the same baud rate for all of them. uarts = [] for i in range(NUM_UARTS): sm = StateMachine( i, uart_tx, freq=8 * UART_BAUD, sideset_base=Pin(PIN_BASE + i), out_base=Pin(PIN_BASE + i) ) sm.active(1) uarts.append(sm) # We can print characters from each UART by pushing them to the TX FIFO def pio_uart_print(sm, s): for c in s: sm.put(ord(c)) # Print a different message from each UART for i, u in enumerate(uarts): pio_uart_print(u, "Hello from UART {}!\n".format(i))