# Example using PIO to create a UART RX interface. # # To make it work you'll need a wire connecting GPIO4 and GPIO3. # # Demonstrates: # - PIO shifting in data on a pin # - PIO jmp(pin) instruction # - PIO irq handler # - using the second core via _thread # ruff: noqa: F821 - @asm_pio decorator adds names to function scope import _thread from machine import Pin, UART from rp2 import PIO, StateMachine, asm_pio UART_BAUD = 9600 HARD_UART_TX_PIN = Pin(4, Pin.OUT) PIO_RX_PIN = Pin(3, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) @asm_pio( autopush=True, push_thresh=8, in_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT, fifo_join=PIO.JOIN_RX, ) def uart_rx_mini(): # fmt: off # Wait for start bit wait(0, pin, 0) # Preload bit counter, delay until eye of first data bit set(x, 7) [10] # Loop 8 times label("bitloop") # Sample data in_(pins, 1) # Each iteration is 8 cycles jmp(x_dec, "bitloop") [6] # fmt: on @asm_pio( in_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT, ) def uart_rx(): # fmt: off label("start") # Stall until start bit is asserted wait(0, pin, 0) # Preload bit counter, then delay until halfway through # the first data bit (12 cycles incl wait, set). set(x, 7) [10] label("bitloop") # Shift data bit into ISR in_(pins, 1) # Loop 8 times, each loop iteration is 8 cycles jmp(x_dec, "bitloop") [6] # Check stop bit (should be high) jmp(pin, "good_stop") # Either a framing error or a break. Set a sticky flag # and wait for line to return to idle state. irq(block, 4) wait(1, pin, 0) # Don't push data if we didn't see good framing. jmp("start") # No delay before returning to start; a little slack is # important in case the TX clock is slightly too fast. label("good_stop") push(block) # fmt: on # The handler for a UART break detected by the PIO. def handler(sm): print("break", time.ticks_ms(), end=" ") # Function for core1 to execute to write to the given UART. def core1_task(uart, text): uart.write(text) # Set up the hard UART we're going to use to print characters. uart = UART(1, UART_BAUD, tx=HARD_UART_TX_PIN) for pio_prog in ("uart_rx_mini", "uart_rx"): # Set up the state machine we're going to use to receive the characters. sm = StateMachine( 0, globals()[pio_prog], freq=8 * UART_BAUD, in_base=PIO_RX_PIN, # For WAIT, IN jmp_pin=PIO_RX_PIN, # For JMP ) sm.irq(handler) sm.active(1) # Tell core 1 to print some text to UART 1 text = "Hello, world from PIO, using {}!".format(pio_prog) _thread.start_new_thread(core1_task, (uart, text)) # Echo characters received from PIO to the console. for i in range(len(text)): print(chr(sm.get() >> 24), end="") print()