The Micro Python project ======================== This is the Micro Python project, which aims to put an implementation of Python 3.x on a microcontroller. The project also includes a small microcontroller board based around the STM32F405RG. Subdirectories: - py/ -- the core Python implementation, including compiler and runtime. - unix/ -- a version of Micro Python that runs on Unix. - stm/ -- a version of Micro Python that runs on the Micro Python board with an STM32F405RG. - pybv3/ -- schematics, gerbers and EAGLE files for revision 3 of the Micro Python board. "make" is used to build the components. The Unix version ---------------- The "unix" part requires a standard Unix environment with gcc. It works only for 64-bit machines due to a small piece of x86-64 assembler for the exception handling. To build: $ cd unix $ make Then to test it: $ ./py >>> list(5 * x + y for x in range(10) for y in [4, 2, 1]) The STM version --------------- The "stm" part requires an ARM compiler, arm-none-eabi-gcc, and associated bin-utils. For those using Arch Linux, you need arm-none-eabi-binutils and arm-none-eabi-gcc packages from the AUR. Otherwise, try here: To build: $ cd stm $ make Then to flash it via USB DFU to your device: $ dfu-util -a 0 -D build/flash.dfu You will need the dfu-util program, on Arch Linux it's dfu-util-git in the AUR.