import sys import struct import hashlib # This region at the start of flash contains a small header and then segments # containing .text, .data and .rodata, and so must be large enough to hold all # of this. This data is loaded to the appropriate places in RAM by the ROM # bootloader at boot. After this in flash comes .irom0.text, which must begin # on a flash erase-page boundary. SEGS_MAX_SIZE = 0x9000 assert len(sys.argv) == 4 md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(sys.argv[3], "wb") as fout: with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f: data_flash = fout.write(data_flash) # First 4 bytes include flash size, etc. which may be changed # by, etc. md5.update(data_flash[4:]) print("flash ", len(data_flash)) # Print info about segments in this first part of flash num_segs = struct.unpack_from("= 4 fout.write(pad[:-4]) md5.update(pad[:-4]) len_data = struct.pack("I", SEGS_MAX_SIZE + len(data_rom)) fout.write(len_data) md5.update(len_data) print("padding ", len(pad)) fout.write(data_rom) md5.update(data_rom) print("irom0text", len(data_rom)) fout.write(md5.digest()) print("total ", SEGS_MAX_SIZE + len(data_rom)) print("md5 ", md5.hexdigest())