tools/ fix unwanted RTS reset on connect bug.

Signed-off-by: Chris <>
Chris 2024-01-16 18:55:27 +10:00
rodzic 0bd0bd4f10
commit f27593e960
1 zmienionych plików z 14 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class Pyboard:
# Set options, and exclusive if pyserial supports it
serial_kwargs = {"baudrate": baudrate, "interCharTimeout": 1}
serial_kwargs = {"baudrate": baudrate, "interCharTimeout": 1, "rtscts": 0, "dsrdtr": 0}
if serial.__version__ >= "3.3":
serial_kwargs["exclusive"] = exclusive
@ -307,9 +307,20 @@ class Pyboard:
self.serial.rts = False # RTS False = EN High = MCU enabled
self.serial = serial.Serial(device, **serial_kwargs)
#self.serial = serial.Serial(device, **serial_kwargs)
#Cannot do serial.Serial(device...) because below is only way to block a high-pulse on rts
self.serial = serial.Serial()
self.serial.dtr = False # DTR False = gpio0 High = Normal boot
self.serial.rts = False # RTS False = EN High = MCU enabled
self.serial.port = device
self.serial.baudrate = serial_kwargs["baudrate"]
self.serial.rtscts = 0
self.serial.dsrdtr = 0
self.serial.inter_byte_timeout = serial_kwargs["interCharTimeout"]
self.serial.exclusive = serial_kwargs["exclusive"]
if hard_reset:
# this is reset (setting this "high" resets the MCU)
@ -379,7 +390,7 @@ class Pyboard:
retry = 10
while retry > 0: # resend every 1s (sends get lost while resetting)
retry = retry - 1
self.serial.write(b"\r\x01") # ctrl-A: enter raw REPL
self.serial.write(b"\r\x01\x01") # ctrl-A: enter raw REPL (needs 2)
data = self.read_until(0, b"raw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>", timeout=1)
if data.endswith(b"raw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>"):
retry = 0