py/asm*.c: Remove unnecessary check for num_locals<0 in asm entry func.

All callers of the asm entry function guarantee that num_locals>=0, so no
need to add an explicit check for it.  Use an assertion instead.

Also, the signature of asm_x86_entry is changed to match the other asm
entry functions.
Damien George 2018-02-24 23:10:20 +11:00
rodzic 7dfa56e40e
commit c0bcf00ed1
5 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 12 usunięć

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@ -150,10 +150,7 @@ void asm_arm_bkpt(asm_arm_t *as) {
// | low address | high address in RAM
void asm_arm_entry(asm_arm_t *as, int num_locals) {
if (num_locals < 0) {
num_locals = 0;
assert(num_locals >= 0);
as->stack_adjust = 0;
as->push_reglist = 1 << ASM_ARM_REG_R1

Wyświetl plik

@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ STATIC void asm_thumb_write_word32(asm_thumb_t *as, int w32) {
// | low address | high address in RAM
void asm_thumb_entry(asm_thumb_t *as, int num_locals) {
assert(num_locals >= 0);
// work out what to push and how many extra spaces to reserve on stack
// so that we have enough for all locals and it's aligned an 8-byte boundary
// we push extra regs (r1, r2, r3) to help do the stack adjustment
@ -111,9 +113,6 @@ void asm_thumb_entry(asm_thumb_t *as, int num_locals) {
// for push rlist, lowest numbered register at the lowest address
uint reglist;
uint stack_adjust;
if (num_locals < 0) {
num_locals = 0;
// don't pop r0 because it's used for return value
switch (num_locals) {
case 0:

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@ -526,11 +526,9 @@ void asm_x64_jcc_label(asm_x64_t *as, int jcc_type, mp_uint_t label) {
void asm_x64_entry(asm_x64_t *as, int num_locals) {
assert(num_locals >= 0);
asm_x64_push_r64(as, ASM_X64_REG_RBP);
asm_x64_mov_r64_r64(as, ASM_X64_REG_RBP, ASM_X64_REG_RSP);
if (num_locals < 0) {
num_locals = 0;
num_locals |= 1; // make it odd so stack is aligned on 16 byte boundary
asm_x64_sub_r64_i32(as, ASM_X64_REG_RSP, num_locals * WORD_SIZE);
asm_x64_push_r64(as, ASM_X64_REG_RBX);

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@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ void asm_x86_jcc_label(asm_x86_t *as, mp_uint_t jcc_type, mp_uint_t label) {
void asm_x86_entry(asm_x86_t *as, mp_uint_t num_locals) {
void asm_x86_entry(asm_x86_t *as, int num_locals) {
assert(num_locals >= 0);
asm_x86_push_r32(as, ASM_X86_REG_EBP);
asm_x86_mov_r32_r32(as, ASM_X86_REG_EBP, ASM_X86_REG_ESP);
if (num_locals > 0) {

Wyświetl plik

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void asm_x86_test_r8_with_r8(asm_x86_t* as, int src_r32_a, int src_r32_b);
void asm_x86_setcc_r8(asm_x86_t* as, mp_uint_t jcc_type, int dest_r8);
void asm_x86_jmp_label(asm_x86_t* as, mp_uint_t label);
void asm_x86_jcc_label(asm_x86_t* as, mp_uint_t jcc_type, mp_uint_t label);
void asm_x86_entry(asm_x86_t* as, mp_uint_t num_locals);
void asm_x86_entry(asm_x86_t* as, int num_locals);
void asm_x86_exit(asm_x86_t* as);
void asm_x86_mov_arg_to_r32(asm_x86_t *as, int src_arg_num, int dest_r32);
void asm_x86_mov_local_to_r32(asm_x86_t* as, int src_local_num, int dest_r32);