docs/library/machine.RTC: Add docs for RTC.memory() method.

Co-Authored-By: glenn20 <>

Signed-off-by: Amirreza Hamzavi <>
Amirreza Hamzavi 2023-10-01 14:30:15 +03:30 zatwierdzone przez Damien George
rodzic a0d31e54ae
commit 57de9da352
1 zmienionych plików z 15 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -75,6 +75,21 @@ Methods
- ``wake`` specifies the sleep mode from where this interrupt can wake
up the system.
.. method:: RTC.memory([data])
``RTC.memory(data)`` will write *data* to the RTC memory, where *data* is any
object which supports the buffer protocol (including `bytes`, `bytearray`,
`memoryview` and `array.array`). ``RTC.memory()`` reads RTC memory and returns
a `bytes` object.
Data written to RTC user memory is persistent across restarts, including
`machine.soft_reset()` and `machine.deepsleep()`.
The maximum length of RTC user memory is 2048 bytes by default on esp32,
and 492 bytes on esp8266.
Availability: esp32, esp8266 ports.