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# MicroPython uasyncio module
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Damien P. George
from . import core
async def wait_for(aw, timeout, sleep=core.sleep):
aw = core._promote_to_task(aw)
if timeout is None:
return await aw
def runner(waiter, aw):
nonlocal status, result
result = await aw
s = True
except BaseException as er:
s = er
if status is None:
# The waiter is still waiting, set status for it and cancel it.
status = s
# Run aw in a separate runner task that manages its exceptions.
status = None
result = None
runner_task = core.create_task(runner(core.cur_task, aw))
# Wait for the timeout to elapse.
await sleep(timeout)
except core.CancelledError as er:
if status is True:
# aw completed successfully and cancelled the sleep, so return aw's result.
return result
elif status is None:
# This wait_for was cancelled externally, so cancel aw and re-raise.
status = True
raise er
# aw raised an exception, propagate it out to the caller.
raise status
# The sleep finished before aw, so cancel aw and raise TimeoutError.
status = True
await runner_task
raise core.TimeoutError
def wait_for_ms(aw, timeout):
return wait_for(aw, timeout, core.sleep_ms)
async def gather(*aws, return_exceptions=False):
ts = [core._promote_to_task(aw) for aw in aws]
for i in range(len(ts)):
# TODO handle cancel of gather itself
# if ts[i].coro:
# iter(ts[i]).waiting.push_head(cur_task)
# try:
# yield
# except CancelledError as er:
# # cancel all waiting tasks
# raise er
ts[i] = await ts[i]
except (core.CancelledError, Exception) as er:
if return_exceptions:
ts[i] = er
raise er
return ts