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Smoothly scroll mirrored rainbow colored random curves across the display.
import random
import math
import utime
from machine import Pin, SoftSPI
import st7789py as st7789
def between(left, right, along):
"""returns a point along the curve from left to right"""
dist = (1 - math.cos(along * math.pi)) / 2
return left * (1 - dist) + right * dist
def color_wheel(position):
"""returns a 565 color from the given position of the color wheel"""
position = (255 - position) % 255
if position < 85:
return st7789.color565(255 - position * 3, 0, position * 3)
if position < 170:
position -= 85
return st7789.color565(0, position * 3, 255 - position * 3)
position -= 170
return st7789.color565(position * 3, 255 - position * 3, 0)
def main():
The big show!
#enable display and clear screen
tft = st7789.ST7789(
SoftSPI(baudrate=30000000, polarity=1, sck=Pin(10), mosi=Pin(11), miso=Pin(16)),
reset=Pin(12, Pin.OUT),
cs=Pin(9, Pin.OUT),
dc=Pin(8, Pin.OUT),
backlight=Pin(13, Pin.OUT),
tft.fill(st7789.BLACK) # clear screen
height = tft.height # height of display in pixels
width = tft.width # width if display in pixels
tfa = 40 # top free area when scrolling
bfa = 40 # bottom free area when scrolling
scroll = 0 # scroll position
wheel = 0 # color wheel position
tft.vscrdef(tfa, width, bfa) # set scroll area
tft.vscsad(scroll + tfa) # set scroll position
tft.fill(st7789.BLACK) # clear screen
half = (height >> 1) - 1 # half the height of the dislay
interval = 0 # steps between new points
increment = 0 # increment per step
counter = 1 # step counter, overflow to start
current_y = 0 # current_y value (right point)
last_y = 0 # last_y value (left point)
# segment offsets
x_offsets = [x * (width // 8) -1 for x in range(2,9)]
while True:
# when the counter exceeds the interval, save current_y to last_y,
# choose a new random value for current_y between 0 and 1/2 the
# height of the display, choose a new random interval then reset
# the counter to 0
if counter > interval:
last_y = current_y
current_y = random.randint(0, half)
counter = 0
interval = random.randint(10, 100)
increment = 1/interval # increment per step
# clear the first column of the display and scroll it
tft.vline(scroll, 0, height, st7789.BLACK)
tft.vscsad(scroll + tfa)
# get the next point between last_y and current_y
tween = int(between(last_y, current_y, counter * increment))
# draw mirrored pixels across the display at the offsets using the color_wheel effect
for i, x_offset in enumerate(x_offsets):
tft.pixel((scroll + x_offset) % width, half + tween, color_wheel(wheel+(i<<2)))
tft.pixel((scroll + x_offset) % width, half - tween, color_wheel(wheel+(i<<2)))
# increment scroll, counter, and wheel
scroll = (scroll + 1) % width
wheel = (wheel + 1) % 256
counter += 1