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.. figure:: ../_static/color_test.jpg
:align: center
Test color with gradients.
Draws Red, Green and Blues gradients on the display and writes the color name centered in the
gradient. Then repeatedly draws a borders around the display in the same colors.
.. note:: This example requires the following modules:
.. hlist::
:columns: 3
- `st7789py`
- `tft_config`
- `vga2_bold_16x32`
import random
from machine import Pin, SoftSPI
from time import sleep
import st7789py as st7789
import tft_config
import vga2_bold_16x32 as font
def interpolate(value1, value2, position, total_range):
Perform linear interpolation between two values based on a position within a range.
value1 (float): Starting value.
value2 (float): Ending value.
position (float): Current position within the range.
total_range (float): Total range of positions.
float: Interpolated value.
return value1 + (value2 - value1) * position / total_range
def main():
tft = tft_config.config(tft_config.WIDE)
names = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]
color_values = (255, 255, 255)
height_division = tft.height // len(color_values)
for i, color_value in enumerate(color_values):
start_row = i * height_division
end_row = (i + 1) * height_division
for row in range(start_row, end_row):
rgb_color = [0 if idx != i else int(interpolate(0, color_value, row - start_row, height_division)) for idx in range(3)]
color = st7789.color565(rgb_color)
tft.hline(0, row, tft.width, color)
name = names[i]
text_x = (tft.width - font.WIDTH * len(name)) // 2
text_y = start_row + (end_row - start_row - font.HEIGHT) // 2
tft.text(font, name, text_x, text_y, st7789.WHITE, color)
while True:
for color in [st7789.RED, st7789.GREEN, st7789.BLUE]:
for x in range(tft.width):
tft.pixel(x, 0, color)
tft.pixel(x, tft.height - 1, color)
for y in range(tft.height):
tft.pixel(0 , y, color)
tft.pixel(tft.width - 1, y, color)