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The rshell macro fork

These notes describe one of a number of possible ways to use the macro facility.

The aim was to provide a set of generic macros, along with a project specific set. The starting point is an alias, run before work is started on a given project. The aliases are created in ~/.bashrc. The example below is for two projects, mqtt and asyn.

alias asyn='export PROJECT=ASYN;cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/'
alias mqtt='export PROJECT=MQTT; cd /MicroPython/micropython-mqtt'

The PROJECT environment variable is examined by the file rshell_macros.py located in the rshell directory. An example is presented here:

import os
proj = None
    proj = os.environ['PROJECT']
except KeyError:
    print('Environment var PROJECT not found: only generic macros loaded.')

macros = {}
macros['..'] = 'cd ..'
macros['...'] = 'cd ../..'
macros['ll'] = 'ls -al {}', 'List any directory'
macros['lf'] = 'ls -al /flash/{}'
macros['lsd'] = 'ls -al /sd/{}'
macros['lpb'] = 'ls -al /pyboard/{}'
macros['mv'] = 'cp {0} {1}; rm {0}', 'Move/rename'
macros['repl'] = 'repl ~ import machine ~ machine.soft_reset()', 'Clean REPL'
macros['up'] = 'cd /MicroPython'
macros['asyn'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async'
macros['primitives'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/v3; rsync primitives/ {}/primitives; cd -', 'Copy V3 primitives to dest'

if proj == 'MQTT':
    print('Importing macros for MQTT')
    macros['home'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-mqtt/mqtt_as'
elif proj == 'ASYN':
    print('Importing macros for ASYN')
    macros['home'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async'
    macros['v3'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/v3'
    macros['off'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/official', 'official uasyncio'
    macros['sync'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/v3; rsync primitives/ {}/primitives', 'Copy V3 primitives to dest'
    macros['demos'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/v3; rsync as_demos/ {}/as_demos', 'Copy V3 demos to dest'
    macros['drivers'] = 'cd /MicroPython/micropython-async/v3; rsync as_drivers/ {}/as_drivers', 'Copy V3 drivers to dest'

The first part of the script defines generic macros such as ll and lsd available to any project, and if no project is defined.

Project specific macros are added in response to the environment variable. Note the way args are passed: to update the SD card on a Pyboard the macro primitives would be called with:

MicroPython > m primitives /sd

The mv macro, called with

MicroPython > m mv source_path dest_path

expands to

cp source_path dest_path; rm source_path